Google Verification file automatically removed

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Google Verification file automatically removed

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  • #33267

    We have added google verification file in this folder path “Google Analytics Tracking Code, XML Image Sitemap File,  HTML Verification file from google webmaster”.After installed BPS,this file is removing automatically from that folder path.So we have  checked with admin setting.There is no availablity to change this removal functionality.Could you provide the solution for this issue?

    AITpro Admin

    Sounds like AutoRestore|Quarantine quarantined the uploaded Google Verification file. Click the link below for the AutoRestore|Quarantine Standard Procedural Steps when manually modifying or uploading files to your website. Also please read the top 4 paragraphs of that ARQ Guide forum topic to get a general idea about what AutoRestore|Quarantine is and how it works.

    AutoRestore|Quarantine Standard Procedural Steps when manually modifying or uploading files

    Alex Laxton

    Admin, you have nailed it, you have sent a solution from this Forum only… Auto restore is very responsive to BPS and BPS pro.

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