BPS Free Read Me First – General Troubleshooting

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  • #34
    AITpro Admin











    Web Host Compatibility Check
    BPS and BPS Pro are compatible with all Web Hosts worldwide (350,000+).
    cPanel Hotlink Protection Tool – No longer an issue/problem.

    BulletProof Security Alert will not go away – “BPS Alert! Your site does not appear to be protected by BulletProof Security” – No longer an issue/problem.

    500 Internal Server Error After Activating BulletProof Mode for your Root Folder

    Some Web Hosts do not allow you to use the “Options” Directive in .htaccess files. If you see a 500 Internal Server Error then comment out the “Options” Directive by adding a pound sign (#) in front of Options -Indexes in your Root .htaccess file as shown below.

    # If you are getting 500 Errors when activating BPS then comment out Options -Indexes
    # by adding a # sign in front of it. If there is a typo anywhere in this file you will also see 500 errors.
    #Options -Indexes

    Some Web Hosts do not allow you to use the “DirectoryIndex” Directive in .htaccess files. If you see a 500 Internal Server Error then comment out the “DirectoryIndex” Directive by adding a pound sign (#) in front of DirectoryIndex in your Root .htaccess file as shown below.  Known Hosts with this issue:  NordNet

    # Use index.php as default directory index file
    # index.html will be ignored will not load.
    #DirectoryIndex index.php index.html /index.php

    500 Internal Server Error After Adding New custom .htaccess Code To BPS Custom Code

    If you have added custom .htaccess code to BPS Custom Code, saved it, clicked the AutoMagic buttons and activated BulletProof Modes and there is either invalid .htaccess code in that custom .htaccess code or your particular Server/Host does not allow something in that custom .htaccess code then your site will crash with a 500 Internal Server Error.

    1.  Use FTP or your web host control panel file manager and delete your root .htaccess file (or the wp-admin .htaccess file if the custom .htaccess code was added to wp-admin Custom Code).
    2.  After you have deleted the .htaccess file or files, login to your site, go to BPS Custom Code, cut (NOT copy) the custom .htaccess code you added to any BPS Custom Code text boxes and paste that custom .htaccess code to a Notepad text file (use Notepad or Notepad++ – do NOT use Word or WordPad) and save it on your computer.
    3.  After cutting all custom .htaccess code that you have added to any BPS Custom Code text boxes, click the Save Root Custom Code button (and/or Save wp-admin Custom Code button), go to the Security Modes page and click the Root folder BulletProof Mode (and/or wp-admin Folder BulletProof Mode) Activate button.

    Your site should not crash at this point with a 500 Error.  You can then check and test your custom .htaccess code individually.  ONLY add one section of your custom .htaccess code at a time to BPS Custom Code text boxes (and do ALL the Custom Code steps) to isolate which custom .htaccess code is causing the 500 error.  Either correct whatever needs to be corrected or just do not use the custom .htaccess code on your website if it does not work / is not allowed on your particular Host/Server.

    DSO Server Type: htaccess File Editor Not Working, Unable to Backup or Restore Files

    If your Server API type is DSO and your WP Filesystem API Method is NOT “direct” then you will need to do some additional setup steps for a DSO Server.  You can check your Server API and WP Filesystem API Method on the BPS System Info page.  If you see that your Server API is DSO and your WP Filesystem API Method is NOT “direct” then you will need to do these additional installation steps for DSO.

    BulletProof Security WP Error: “no input file specified”- Permalink Problems/404 Errors – using the .html permalink hack is causing 404 Errors

    If you see a “no input file specified” error then there is something wrong with your WordPress custom permalink structure.  Another cause of 404 Errors is using the .html Permalink hack.  Using .html in your WordPress Permalink Structure is considered a hack and is not a standard WordPress Custom Permalink Structure.  Example Permalink .html Hack:  /%postname%.html.  Many years ago this supposedly increased page ranking and SEO.  If that was ever really true it is definitely not true now.  Using this permalink hack will only cause your website problems and BulletProof Security will not work with this permalink hack.  You will need to change your custom permalink to a standard WordPress custom permalink structure in order to be able to use BulletProof Security.

    403 Forbidden Error or 500 Internal Server Error when updating/upgrading BPS – No longer an issue/problem.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.

    Another host to add to the list of those not allowing changes to .htaccess file permissions is Webline Services http://webline-services.com/. To be fair, I haven’t tried asking them, as I am about to move my http://www.propertyforsalespain.co.uk/ website to a new host anyway.  I have for the moment got around the 404 error by deactivating root folder bullet proof mode and wp-admin folder via BPS Security/htaccess Core in Admin.


    Emma Frost

    So, can we also block specific IPs right inside the plugin?

    AITpro Admin
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