Download Monitor Plugin 404 Error

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  • #2231
    AITpro Admin

    Yep it took a month of trial and error with all sorts of downloading code to get the BPS Pro Secure Download code to work on all Browsers and then all Browsers on Mac computers.  😉


    Even though I added the bypass to my htaccess, people are still getting 403 errors which are showing up in the error log (same as I posted before). I don’t want to disable BPS, but of course this is causing a mess. Do you happen to have any other directives that can be added to the htaccess file to completely bypass that plugin?

    AITpro Admin

    I tested this plugin and used all the basic settings and only changed one setting – Force Downloads – and it works for me, but I just thought of something else that would not block the download on my XAMPP testing site.  The Plugin Firewall must be blocking the downloads since the downloads are coming from the /plugins folder in an indirect way.  Deactivate the Plugin Firewall on this site.  It is activated because I could not get to the plugins folder on this website.  Once you know for sure it is the Plugin Firewall then this is the Firewall Whitelist rule that should work.


    Firewall Whitelist rules are separated by a comma and a space.  So you should already see plugin scripts that are whitelisted so just add this rule after the last whitelist rule like this: 

       /some-other-plugin-script/js, /download-monitor/download.php(.*), 

    Got it. I just deleted the plugin htaccess for testing – hopefully this takes care of it. Thanks so much for your help – very much appreciated!

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