ZipArchive extractTo failed to open stream

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  • #4304
    Paul D.

    I upgraded BPS Pro from 5.7 to 5.7.1 and its says installation is completed but it is still showing 5.7.

    PHP Warning: ZipArchive::extractTo(/home/NAMEOFDIRECTORY/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security//languages) [ziparchive.extractto]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/NAMEOFDIRECTORY/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/install/installation.php on line 294

    I tried it a few more times, and it’s still showing 5.7 with the above error. I downloaded from BPS Pro website and tried to update and boom! It quarantined its own files and BPS Pro is gone in the WP Dashboard. Oh well, we can always do a recent backup. But I’m curious why this is so.


    AITpro Admin

    First off you need to create the recommended AutoRestore exclude rule to exclude the plugins folder from being checked.  Or if you prefer to not exclude the plugins folder from being checked by ARQ (not recommended) then you will need to follow the standard ARQ procedural steps shown in the AutoRestore/Quarantine Guide:

    Exclude the plugins folder from being checked by AutoRestore/Quarantine (ARQ)

    If your particular Server does not have the ZipArchive Class available to you on your Server/website then BPS Pro has a fallback to PCLZip if ZipArchive is not available/disabled on your particular Server and PCLZip will be used instead of ZipArchive.

    What happened in your particular case is that BulletProof Security Pro files were sent to Quarantine during the upgrade installation and the fallback to PCLZip was not successful.  Either exclude the plugins folder from being checked by ARQ or follow the standard ARQ procedural steps if you choose not to exclude the plugins folder from being checked by ARQ (not recommended).

    Paul D.

    Plugin folder was excluded a long time ago

    AITpro Admin

    Did you restore the BPS Pro files that were sent to Quarantine by using the Quarantine Restore Files option? Your plugins folder exclude rule should be:  plugins without anything else – no slashes.

    Paul D.

    No, I didn’t restore anything for I couldn’t get to BPS Pro dashboard. My mail notified me of the quarantined files.. What I did was upgrade the 5.7 version to 5.7.1 and I can’t. (see original post).

    here’s our excluded folders
    uploads/backwpup-880ae-logs (this would be taken out soon as we are using another backup method for our sites)

    Anyway, we have our site back from a clone template. Just wondering why it happened. Why BPS Pro quarantined its own files and disappeared from WordPress dashboard. BPS Pro is a great plugin and we do appreciate the support and response you guys have. We are still learning the ins and outs of this plugin as we will be soon deploying it to hundreds of domains we own.


    AITpro Admin

    If the site was cloned originally then the problem must have had something to do with that.  I am not really sure from the info you have posted.  In a normal scenario BPS Pro will only quarantine its own files if the BPS Pro backup files do not match the actual /bulletproof-security plugin files and if the ARQ plugins exclude rule is not correct for some reason. Use the arqdelete.php script to turn off AutoRestore and then delete the /bulletproof-security plugin folder and reinstall it.  You will not have to setup BPS Pro again.  Only new plugin files will be added/installed.

    There are several ARQ troubleshooting scenarios in the link below and info about where the arqdelete.php script is and how to use it.

    Paul D.

    Noted. Will do that next time if we encountered the same scenario. Our test website is back and running.
    Thank you.

    AITpro Admin

    If you have that many domains then I assume you will doing a lot of cloning.  Here is a link for the best methods to follow if you are doing cloning, migration and moves.

    Paul D.

    Yes. I am following those same steps as guide.  Except for number 3.  I always do  fresh magic htaccess from B-Core. It’s kinda safer that way. Some steps are inserted between those steps for some plugins though. But the guide at is still the foundation guide of what we are doing when we do backup/cloning.

    For example (for cloned sites) :
    1 Get New Key for Bulletproof
    2. Correct PHP Error Log Path
    3. Go to B-Core and create activate BulletProof Modes.
    4. Fix Broken Link Checker as explained in
    5. Resave W3 Total Cache settings.
    6. Reset excude path of W3 Cache master file
    7. Go to AutoRestore and click the 4 Backup Files buttons. Refresh browser and turn ARQ back on.
    8. Go to F-Lock and lock all your files.

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