Email Question:
Hi Ed,
Following the steps you provided it did not indicate updates for any plugins, so I started to deactivate the other plugins. On the very first deactivation–Bad Behavior–an update immediately appeared. Is this a known issue?
Thanks for your help.
In this particular case the Bad Behavior plugin was blocking the AITpro API Server update/upgrade check/notification.
1. Go to the WordPress Plugins page and click on the BulletProof Security Pro Manual Upgrade Check link.
2. Click on the BulletProof Security Pro View Version x.x.x Details link, which will open an installation pop up window. DO NOT check any of the checkboxes and click the WordPress Update Plugins button – this will cause all of your plugin files to be sent to Quarantine.
3. In the installation pop up window click the orange Install Update Now button.

If you still do not see a BulletProof Security Pro update/upgrade check notification in your WordPress Dashboard then deactivate any other security plugins you have installed on your website and go to the WordPress Plugins page and refresh your Browser.
If you still do not see a BulletProof Security Pro update/upgrade check notification in your WordPress Dashboard then deactivate all plugins and go to the WordPress Plugins page and refresh your Browser.
Another thing that can block the BulletProof Security Pro WordPress Dashboard update/upgrade check and notification:
The AITpro API Server IP address is being blocked by a plugin or the IP address is being blocked in your Control Panel or your Web Host is blocking the AITpro API Server IP address. Solution: unblock the API Server IP address. The AITpro API Server IP address is shown below.
AITpro API Server IP address: