Hello, this website is timing out whenever I try to exclude a file, and if it completes the task I get this error message: (I hid the domain in the screenshot, but copied the path exactly)
This file is not a valid WordPress Core file > /wp-admin/network/config-main.php. Most likely it was quarantined because it’s a hacker file. So you would not want to exclude that file from being checked by AutoRestore|Quarantine. Download the config-main.php file and send it to me: info@ait-pro.com. If it is a hacker file then your hosting account is hacked and needs to be cleaned up > https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/wordpress-hacked-wordpress-hack-cleanup-wordpress-hack-repair/
If your hosting account is hacked then that would explain timeouts and php errors. That is a very common symptom when a hosting account is hacked since hackers write very poor code.