WordPress Read More

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  • #14886
    Diana Frame

    Everytime I click on the “custom permalink structure” button and click save changes it keeps going back to showing “post name” as the selected option.  I cannot seem to get the custom permalink structure to work.

    Can anyone help me fix this?

    AITpro Admin

    It’s actually working.  A few versions back WordPress decided to default to the Post Name Radio button option setting when someone uses the /%postname%/ structure.  It is the same thing.  As an experiment add /%category%/%postname%/ and quickly switch back to just /%postname%/.  There is no default Category/Post Name Radio button option so it does not automatically switch to any other pre-sets.

    Diana Frame

    Ok, but why are my posts showing up like this: /blog/a-new-beginning/#more-266
    is there a way to fix that?

    AITpro Admin

    Hmm I assume /a-new-beginning/ is a Post name so that is ok.  “Read More” is a WordPress thing see the link below.  I have no idea where that is coming from, but it does not appear to have anything to do with your Custom Permalink Structure.  Most likely this is coming from the theme you are using.  To verify/check that switch your theme temporarily and see if the links still have #more in them.


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