There are some entries listed in the MS Scan for a website that are marked suspicious in the DB. But viewing the site via phpMyAdmin, I do not see some of the rows under suspicion.
Here are the steps I took before running into this problem:
After running the MS scan on a website showing suspicious files (File Hash) and deleting them, and then reviewing the others with a sketchy pattern match and ignoring those, I went to view the report about the DB, using both the wordpress dashboard of the website in question and also the phpMyAdmin screen for that website’s db.
A bunch of those suspicious entries were fine, so I set them to ‘ignore.’
FYI, the suspicious ones I set to ignore were generated by a plugin from Termageddon which helps display up to date Privacy Policies and Terms pages on the site. Ignore ignore, cool.
But there are some entries in the DB that … do not exist.
In the _options table, in the option_id column, there are two db row entries that are marked suspicious: row 2420 and row 2730.
I have uploaded a screenshot of what I see for row IDs in the _options table here:
What does it mean that there are some suspicious rows as identified by BPS but are not available to view by a human eyeball? Human error? I exited the database several times and went back in to the table in question to make sure I selected to correct one, but I can’t see those two rows. Any ideas about what my next steps should be?