Email Question:
Hosting is with GreenGeeks and Dayanahost. Neither of which are listed among the hosting company specs. Please let me know what to select when setting up the php.ini file.
Please go to P-Security >>> Php.ini Options page and click the Diagnostic Checks/Recommendations Run Check button. Copy and paste your Diagnostic checks results for each Web Host. IMPORTANT! Please edit your Document root path information and replace that portion of the path up to your Document root folder with x’s. Example: Error Log Path Seen by Server: /xxxx/xxxx/public_html/forum/wp-content/bps-backup/logs/bps_php_error.log
Diagnostic Checks/Recommendations
Clicking the Run Check button runs a Diagnostic Check for all settings that relate to php.ini files, .user.ini files, php handlers, php error log paths and other settings to troubleshoot any issues or problems. Recommendations are also given based on your PHP version and your type of Hosting (Shared, VPS or Dedicated Hosting).