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- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by AITpro Admin.
AITpro AdminKeymaster
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Forum Help Links: DB Backup & Security Guide
Backup Job settings and other information about backups are logged in the DB backup Log. The sql dump backup file in the DB Backup zip file/archive also contains information about the Backup Job. You can Export your Backup Jobs by doing a backup of only the xx_bpspro_db_backup DB Table, which you can then Import to another website by using phpMyAdmin. Important Note: Your DB Table Prefix name in your sql dump backup file MUST match the DB Table Prefix name for the site you are importing it too. You can manually edit the sql dump file on your computer to change the DB Table Prefix name before importing it to a new site with phpMyAdmin.
DB Backup Job Completion Time Estimates: DB Size before zip: 10MB: 3 Seconds – 100MB: 30 Seconds
How To Create a Backup Job, Run a Backup Job, Download a Backup File and Delete a Backup File
NOTE: Before creating a Scheduled Backup Job please read the – Scheduled Backup Jobs General Information and Notes help section.1. Click the Create Backup Jobs accordion tab.
2. Enter a Description|Backup Job Name and select the Form option choices that you want.
3. Click the Create Backup Job|Save Settings button to save your Form option choices and create your Backup Job.
4. Click the Backup Jobs – Manual|Scheduled accordion tab, click on the Run checkbox for the Backup Job that you want to run and click the Run Job|Delete Job button.
5. Your Backup files are displayed under the Backup Files – Download|Delete accordion tab.
6. You can Download Backup files to your computer by clicking the Download link for that Backup file.
7. You can delete Backup files by clicking the checkbox for the Backup file that you want to delete and then click the Delete Files button.Backup Jobs – Manual|Scheduled Accordion Tab
– Displays the Description|Job Name, Delete and Run Checkboxes, Job Type, Frequency, Last Backup, Next Backup, Email Backup and Job Created table columns.
– Job Type displays either Manual or Scheduled.
– Frequency displays either Manual, Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
– Last Backup displays either Backup Job Created or a timestamp when the last backup job was run.
– Next Backup displays either Manual, Hourly or a combination of user-friendly next job run times: 5PM, Sunday 5PM, 30th 5PM.
– Email Backup displays either Manual, Yes, Yes & Delete, No or Send Email Only.
– Job Created displays the timestamp for when the Backup Job was created.Backup Files – Download|Delete Accordion Tab
– Displays the Backup Filename, Delete Checkbox, Download Links, Backup Folder, Size and Date|Time table columns.
– Backup Filename displays the name of the backup zip file.
– Backup Folder displays the backup folder path.
– Size displays the size of the backup zip file.
– Date|Time displays the date and time that the backup zip file was created.Create Backup Jobs Accordion Tab
– Displays a dynamic DB Table Name checkbox form used to select the database tables that you want to backup.
– Description|Backup Job Name textbox to enter a description for your Backup Job.
– DB Backup Folder Location textbox with a default Obfuscated & Secure BPS Backup Folder location.
– DB Backup File Download Link|URL textbox with a default download URL path.
– Backup Job Type: Manual or Scheduled select dropdown option to choose either a Manual or Scheduled Backup job type.
– Frequency of Scheduled Backup Job (recurring) select dropdown option to choose either N/A, Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly backup job frequency.
– Hour When Scheduled Backup is Run (recurring) select dropdown option to choose a start time for a scheduled backup job: N/A and 12AM through 11PM.
– Day of Week When Scheduled Backup is Run (recurring) select dropdown option to choose a weekday day when a scheduled backup job is run: N/A and Sunday through Monday.
– Day of Month When Scheduled Backup is Run (recurring) select dropdown option to choose a day of the month for a start time when a backup job is run: N/A and 1st through 30th.
– Send Scheduled Backup Zip File Via Email or Just Email Only select dropdown option to choose either to email a zip backup file, do not email backup zip file, email and delete zip backup file or just send an email that backup job has completed/been run. Note: This option is ONLY for Scheduled backup jobs and is NOT for Manual backup jobs.
– Automatically Delete Old Backup Files select dropdown option to choose Never delete old backup files, delete backup files older than 1 day, 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or 180 days. This is an independent option meaning that it can be set/changed/saved independently and is not specific to any created Backup Jobs.
– Turn On|Off All Scheduled Backups (override) select dropdown option to choose either turn on all scheduled backups or turn off all scheduled backups. This an override option that prevent any/all scheduled backup jobs from being run. This is an independent option meaning that it can be set/changed/saved independently and is not specific to any created Backup Jobs.Rename|Create|Reset Tool
If you would like to change/rename the default BPS DB Backup folder name either use the automatically randomly generated new DB Backup folder name or you can edit the new DB Backup folder name in the Rename|Create|Reset DB Backup Folder Name: text box and click the Rename|Create|Reset button. Only use these valid characters: Letters A to Z uppercase or lowercase, Numbers 0-9 and/or a dash “-” or an underscore “_”. If you have DB Backup files they will not be affected/changed. The DB Backup File Download Link|URL path will also be changed and have the new DB Backup folder name in the URL path.The Rename|Create|Reset Tool can also be used for troubleshooting problems with the automatic BPS DB Backup folder creation. If the BPS DB Backup folder was not automatically created already then use this tool to try and create a new DB Backup folder. You will see an error message displayed with things to check that could be preventing the DB Backup folder from being successfully created.
Scheduled Backup Jobs General Information and Notes
– The Send Scheduled Backup Zip File Via Email or Just Email Only option is ONLY for Scheduled backup jobs and is NOT for Manual backup jobs.– Scheduled Backup Cron Jobs are synchronized to run exactly on the hour: 5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:00pm. The Backup Cron job actual run times may fluctuate slightly. That is just the normal nature of WordPress Crons. The DB Backup Cron is designed to resynchronize itself to the top of the hour on the hour.
– Today is 12AM to 11:59PM. If you want a Daily scheduled backup job to start running for the first time at 12AM tomorrow (which seems like today, but is actually tomorrow) then choose the Day of the Week that is tomorrow. 12AM tomorrow is the start time and the Daily scheduled backup job will continue to be run at 12AM every day after the start time that you choose.
– The Create Backup Jobs Form allows for the widest possible combinations of start times for scheduled backup jobs. The start time choices are: Frequency, Hour, Day of Week and Day of Month and have many different possible logical combinations that can be chosen. See this help section before creating any scheduled backup jobs – Best Logical Choices For Start Times When Scheduling Backup Jobs With the Create Backup Jobs Form
– You can schedule multiple backup jobs for the same frequency. Example: You can create/schedule a backup job to run Weekly at 8PM on Sunday and can create/schedule a backup job to run Weekly at 10PM on Wednesday. Scheduled backup jobs run based on the time the scheduled backup job is scheduled to run – there are no limitations with scheduling multiple backup jobs.
Best Logical Choices For Start Times When Scheduling Backup Jobs With the Create Backup Jobs Form
These are some common logical option choices for Creating/Scheduling Backup Jobs. There are other possible combinations of option settings/start times, but these are intended to be simple examples of common logical option setting choices.Hourly Backup Job
– If you choose Hourly for the Frequency and you do not pick a start Time/Hour when the Backup Job is next run. The next Backup Job will be run at the top of the next hour. Example: If the time now is 4:30PM then the next backup job will be run at 5PM, then 6PM, then 7PM, etc.
– If you choose Hourly for the Frequency and pick a start Time/Hour when the Backup Job is next run. The next Backup Job will be run at the start Time/Hour that you chose. Example: If the time now is 4:30PM and you chose 8PM for the start Time/Hour then the next backup job will be run at 8PM, then 9PM, then 10PM, etc.Daily Backup Job
– If today is Tuesday and you want to schedule a Backup Job to run at 12AM daily/every night. You would choose Daily for the Frequency, start Time/Hour of 12AM (12AM is tomorrow) and Wednesday for the day of the week for the start time when the Backup Job is next run. The next Backup Job will be run at 12AM Wednesday tonight/tomorrow and at 12AM every night/morning.Weekly Backup Job
– If you want to schedule a Backup Job to run Weekly at 12AM every Sunday. You would choose Weekly for the Frequency, start Time/Hour of 12AM and Sunday for the day of the week for the start time when the Backup Job is next run. The next Backup Job will be run at 12AM next Sunday and every Sunday at 12AM.Monthly Backup Job
– If you want to schedule a Backup Job to run Monthly on the 30th of each month at 11PM. You would choose Monthly for the Frequency, start Time/Hour of 11PM and 30th for the day of the month for the start time when the Backup Job is next run. The next Backup Job will be run on the 30th of this month at 11PM and each month on the 30th at 11PM.404 errors when trying to download zip files or if you have changed the DB Backup Folder Location
On some web hosts (Go Daddy) if you have a WordPress subfolder website installation: Example: Main domain is example.com and Subfolder WordPress site is example.com/wordpress-subfolder-website/ then the download link will not work correctly and you will see 404 errors when trying to download zip backup files. Your options are to not change the default backup folder path for your subfolder site and download zip backup files via FTP or you can use/add the backup folder path for your main site instead of the default backup folder path for your subfolder site. You would also change the DB Backup File Download Link|URL to your main site’s backup folder Link/URL path. What this means is that DB Backups for both your main site and your subfolder site will be saved/stored under your main site’s backup folder.If you are seeing 404 errors after changing the DB Backup File Download Link|URL and/or the DB Backup Folder Location then make sure that you have entered the correct folder path and also the correct link/URL paths for where your DB backup files are being saved/stored. The DB Backup File Download Link|URL path MUST end with/have a trailing slash. Example: http://www.example.com/wp-content/bps-backup/backups_xxxxxxxxxx/
Chris MoonParticipantWould you add an option to select an email address to send a DB backup to? I have a site with a couple of admins and the WP default email address is not the one used for backups.
ChrisAITpro AdminKeymasterDB Backup sends the DB Backups that BPS creates, Not sure how you would send other DB backups. Seems like eaclh DB Backup plugin or theme for should already offer that. Can you give me more examples?
Chris MoonParticipantSorry for not making myself clear.
My request was not about what to send but where to send it, in other words the option to send the DB backup to another email address rather than the WP default. Which can be a problem with several admins and only one WP default email.
AITpro AdminKeymaster@ Chris Moon – your email and log file settings are all located on the S-Monitor page. You can choose To: From: Cc and Bcc.
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