Your posts are continuing to be flagged as Spam. I guess somewhere either in BuddyPress or Akismet your IP address is seen as a spammer IP address. Wierd.
IP Addresses, User Agents and Host names can all be easily faked so even checking those things will not tell you 100% if that is who they really are. The general rule of thumb is this. If something legitimate appears to be blocked then you would check that yourself. ie check the URL to an image file and make sure that the URL works, the image is viewable and there really is not a problem. If there is really not a problem then several other things could be occurring.
The most common thing is this: A legitimate bot is doing image retrieval and in that image retrieval script there are several other things that are happening. The image retrieval is working perfectly fine, but something else that script does is being blocked and generates a 403 error.
If the Server Protocol is HTTP/1.0 then this is definitely something shady. The Server Protocol should be HTTP/1.1, if it is not then this is a scraper, spammer or hacker doing something bad.