Hide Forum Backend

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  • #13948

    Is there a way, through BPS Pro, to hide the backend?  That is, can I re-write the standard wp-admin and wp-login.php and standard registration links to re-write them to something else?  I’m trying to transition from Better WP Security to this plugin for one of my non-profit sites and want to keep the links I had set up for those the same.

    AITpro Admin

    It is pointless to hide the backend and an exercise in futility if you have real security measures in place, but you could use this Simple Query String Login page protection method if you want to do something like that anyway.

    Your WordPress Admin backend area is already protected with authentication.  In order to get into your /wp-admin folder someone has to be authenticated to your /wp-admin folder / WP Dashboard.  In order to cause a problem for your website that person would need to be an Administrator.  If you use BPS Pro Login Security and BPS Pro JTC Anti-Spam / Anti-Hacker then your /wp-admin folder and Dashboard area are protected against auto-posting spambots and hackerbots, which make up 99%+ of Brute force attacks, spam registrations, etc.


    LOL.  Thanks for the frank note.  I actually wasn’t interested in hiding the backend as much as just re-writing wp-login.php and wp-login.php?action=register in order to shorten the URL’s.  I didn’t know if that was built in but I can just research the .htaccess code to re-write them and add them to custom code.  I’m not interested in preseving the backend “hiding” function as much as the URL’s that people became accustomed to for logging in.

    AITpro Admin

    We just modified the forum post above – it was a little too “colorful”.   I added a link to a method that may interest you and what you are looking for – Simple Query String login page protection.

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