How can I export settings

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    I have been looking through the documentation and settings and have not been able to see how/if I can export my BPS Pro settings. Can anyone help??

    AITpro Admin

    You can export and import Custom Code.   All other BPS general settings are automatically setup by the Setup Wizard using default optimum option settings.  Why do you want to export BPS settings?  Are you migrating/moving the site or doing something else?


    I want to set up multiple sites with essentially the same settings (minus the defaults). Going through each panel of the plugin is extremely time consuming and the possibility for missing something is too high.

    AITpro Admin

    When you run the Setup Wizard all BPS plugin option settings and everything else is automatically setup per each unique site.  Are all of the sites exactly identical in every way – same plugins, themes and everything else?  Exporting/importing BPS option settings from a site that is not exactly identical will cause major problems.  That is why the Setup Wizard automatically sets everything up for each unique website.

    If the sites are all copies/clones of each other then you would setup one site, duplicate/clone it and then install that duplicated/cloned site.

    If you are just referring to nick nack BPS settings that you did after running the Setup Wizard already set everything up automatically then I don’t think that would be too time consuming to take care of.  Examples:  You changed the default JTC CAPTCHA from “jtc” to something else.  If this is what you are trying to accomplish then I recommend that you make a list of any custom additional option settings changes that you made.  So that you can just go by that list on another site.  I imagine that would take about 15 minutes to create that list and then probably 5 minutes per site to make all of your custom option setting changes.  Doing a bulk export/import thing would probably take longer and of course if these sites are not all identical to each other in every way then you will have to run the Setup Wizard on each site so the Setup Wizard can fix all the DB option settings, etc. that are not unique to each site.

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