Hi all!
Thanks in advance for reading this note.
I recently updated to BPS-Pro and am loving it!
So far all is going well with the update from BPS-free to Pro-BPS on 4 out of 5 WordPress sites (thanks to the help videos).
My last will be an install on a WordPress site that has iThemes better-wp-security.8.1.2.
I realize that the normal way is to ‘deactivate’ and then ‘uninstall’, but I also realize that there will be leftovers that won’t be automatically cleaned up.
What is my best shot at uninstalling it so that it does not interfere with the install of BPS-Pro? And would or should there be extra cleanup for me to do.
IThemes is not responding to my question in the WordPress support forum.
Thanks again,
P.S. I am an amateur novice newbie.