Is BulletProof Security Compatible with Better WP Security

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Is BulletProof Security Compatible with Better WP Security

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  • #130
    AITpro Admin

    Email Question:
    Dear Bulletproof team,
    I’am starting my first website with WordPress.Have a few questions, i wanna buy BulletProof Security Pro.
    I will try for writing good english i’am a dutch man.1.- Is bulletproof intergrated with sql intergration for the database hardcore injection? For stopping the hackers?
    2.- Can i use Bulletproof with some other .htacces programs like htaccess control or Better WP Security there have some realy nice options. Because i’am using the free version of bulletproof.
    When i turning on Bulletproof and i turning on Better WP Security it is a mess with the begin wordpress codes on the top. Bulletproof put in the top but Better WP Security to, and htacces Control not. htaccess control write on the second line.
    3.- Is bulletproof Pro in Dutch Language?
    4.- Can i use My Bulletproof install on the second wordpress website on later stadium?
    That’s all.

    Email Question:
    Dear AITpro,
    I will buy today the BulletProof Pro for my company.Can you send me a great link for a good tutorial how i must install BulletProof pro with the extended settings for WordPress.
    I have send a email about 13 hours ago on other email adrress This is my personal email.

    1. Yes BPS Pro has SQL Injection protection.2. Yes BPS Pro works with all other security plugins and all other WordPress plugins.—— BPS Pro is the dominate website security over Better WP Security. Do not use Server Tweaks in BWPS.  It will just cause problems for your website. Since BPS Pro has much more advanced and sophisticated .htaccess coding over BWPS you would set up BPS first and then whatever .htaccess code that BWPS creates can be added to the BPS Pro Custom Code feature. The key thing to remember is BPS Pro is the dominant website security plugin.  BPS free and BWPS are comparable, but not BWPS and BulletProof Security Pro.
    3. No a Dutch Language translation file has not been created for BPS Pro. BPS Pro does have I18n Language Translation coding added but so far it has not been translated into Dutch.4. Yes
    This post has information about how to correctly install the BPS Pro zip file using the WordPress Upload Zip installer and there is also a link to the BPS Pro 5 Minute Setup Video Tutorial on this page.

    Thank you.

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