JTC Anti-Spam: captcha not showing up

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro JTC Anti-Spam: captcha not showing up

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    I need to secure login forms from spam, and its working good, but, I have a theme specific login modal popup where the captcha does not appear.  Is there a shortcode to force it?  This same modal has a BP register form, and on that form the JTC window is showing.

    Screenshot: https://ibb.co/Fz5DxST

    AITpro Admin

    I don’t think it is a hook problem, but it could be if the Modal Login form has modified the standard WordPress Login form code.  It is more likely that the jQuery/JavaScript used in the Modal Login form is breaking the JTC jQuery code.  My guess would be that since the Modal Login form has combined the Login and Register forms then the BPS jQuery code is loading on the Register form because it is using standard WordPress Register form code/hooks, etc.  I can look at the frontend of your website using Google Chrome Dev tools to see what might be causing the problem.  Either post a link to your site in your forum reply or send your website URL via email to:  info@ait-pro.com

    AITpro Admin

    In any case, the most critical form to protect is the Register form since that is what spambots go for first.  ie auto-register and then auto-login.


    Email with link sent!

    AITpro Admin

    The reason the Register form is working is because it is a BuddyPress Register form, not a standard WordPress Register form.  JTC only includes a BuddyPress Register form and a BuddyPress Sidebar Login form because BuddyPress uses the standard WordPress Login form for logins as well as having a Sidebar Login form if you use that feature.  The Modal Login form has been customized and does not appear to be using the BuddyPress Sidebar Login form hook > add_action( 'bp_sidebar_login_form', 'bps_captcha_buddypress_sidebar_form_field' );.  The Modal Login form is also not using the standard WordPress Login form hook directly in the form code > add_action( 'login_form', 'bps_captcha_login_form_field' );. Looking at the Modal Login form code they are sending a POST Request to the standard WordPress Login form, but unfortunately the Modal Login form itself does not have any hooks that BPS recognizes. You really only need to protect the Register form from spambots because if the spambots cannot auto-register spam accounts then they will not be able to auto-post spam posts.

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