Litespeed – files quarantined and using placeholder text

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    I’m instaling Litespeed on my websites.

    I follow the rules : open the htaccess, configure LScache and run the settup wizard.

    But at the end, I have some files in quarantaine and I don’t know why. And I don’t know what to do with them.


    AITpro Admin

    You can run the Setup Wizards again to clear error messages and automatically fix most things. If you are seeing a BPS LiteSpeed warning/notice/alert message do these steps below.

    Copy this placeholder text below into this BPS Root Custom Code text box: 1. CUSTOM CODE TOP PHP/PHP.INI HANDLER/CACHE CODE.
    Click the Save Root Custom Code button.
    Go to the Security Modes tab and click the Root folder BulletProof Mode Activate button.
    If the wp-config.php and/or .htaccess files are being quarantined then restore them from Quarantine.

    Important Note: If you instead see LiteSpeed htaccess caching code in BPS Root Custom Code text box: 1. CUSTOM CODE TOP PHP/PHP.INI HANDLER/CACHE CODE then do not use the LiteSpeed placeholder text.


    Tks for your answer but I can’t see where I can add your custom code. Sorry.

    New problem = now I have 1710 files into the quarantine ! All from LS cache. What can I do please ? Impossible to restore in a single click and I don’t understand how to copy the files manually 🙁

    Maybe I should uninstall LScache ?

    Tks for your help

    AITpro Admin

    If these are static cache files that were quarantined then use the AutoRestore > Exclude wp-content Folders tool to exclude the folder where LiteSpeed static cache files are stored.  Then restore the files from Quarantine.  Post the path to 1 one of the LiteSpeed cache files that was quarantined.  So I can tell you the folder name to exclude from being checked by AutoRestore.  I had assumed that only the wp-config.php and htaccess files were being quarantined.  That does not appear to be the case so disregard the Custom Code stuff.


    I had excluded 3 folders  (ex : /home/fodafdrp/public_html/wp-content/litespeed/css)

    But when i try to restore always the same error message : 400 Bad Request Error
    If you arrived here due to a search or clicking on a link click your Browser’s back button to return to the previous page. Thank you.
    BPS Pro Plugin 400 Error Page

    AITpro Admin

    1. Go to AutoRestore > Exclude wp-content Folders tab page.
    2. Enter: litespeed for the label.
    3. Enter: litespeed for the folder name to exclude. Note: Do not add any slashes or any other folder path information. Just enter the folder name.
    4. Click the Save Folder Exclude Rules button.

    The 400 errors could be caused by ModSecurity installed on your web host server or there are too many files being restored at one time.  Do the steps below to manually clear Quarantine.

    Clearing/Deleting excessive database entries in the Quarantine table and old quarantined files.
    If you have excessive quarantine database table entries and are unable to delete them using the Quarantine Delete Files option use the steps below.

    1. Go the BPS Pro > Tools menu/page > DB Table Cleaner|Remover tool tab page.
    2. Delete the quarantine database table by clicking the Drop Radio button for this database table: xx_bpspro_arq_quarantine
    3. Click the Empty|Drop button to delete the BPS quarantine database table. A new empty BPS quarantine database table will be automatically created.
    4. Use FTP or your web host control panel file manager and delete all folders under the BPS Quarantine folder located here: /wp-content/bps-backup/quarantine/


    Amazing !

    Thank you so much for taking time for these explanations. I have just folowed your steps by steps tutorial and everything is fine now.

    Do I leave the litespeed folder exclusion or do I remove it ?

    Have a nice week end.

    AITpro Admin

    You want to leave the litespeed autorestore exclude rule so that new litespeed cache files are not quarantined.


    Tks so much for your help !

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