Not Able to View Settings in BP Pro

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Not Able to View Settings in BP Pro

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  • #41413
    Sean Van Zant

    I can get into the backend of my wordpress site through my hosting company, but not without logging in my site just through any browser. And the JTC captcha has been changed.

    I gave a fiverr web designer my credentials and forgot to change them after he finished with my site.

    It sounds like he might have got mad at me and changed where I couldn’t access the Bulletproof Pro settings in the backend, and changed the JTC code.

    Is there any that I can figure out how to access the Bulletproof Pro settings again, and change the JTC captcha?

    AITpro Admin

    The easiest way to get back into your site is to use FTP or your web host control panel file manager and rename the /bulletproof-security/ plugin folder to /_bulletproof-security/.  Log into your site and then rename the /_bulletproof-security/ folder name back to /bulletproof-security/.

    Sean Van Zant

    Bulletproof Pro is not conflicting with a plugin.

    I am not able to use the backend of Bulletproof Pro even after deactivating all the plugins and the Jupiter theme.

    I am not able to login to my site either without going through wp engine because my JTC code has been changed to another code I dont’have.


    Sean Van Zant

    I can get back into my site, but I can’t access the bulletproof security pro backend anymore.

    Even after deactivating all my plugins and the Jupiter X theme, and using one of the themes that comes with wordpress.

    Sean Van Zant

    Is there a way that anyone can help me access the backend of my Bulletproof Pro again so I can change the JTC code and make other changes?

    AITpro Admin

    You just need to get a new BPS Pro Activation Key.  I checked my API server logs and see that your site: currently does not have a valid Activation Key.  Go to the BPS Pro Setup menu > Activation and request a new BPS Pro Activation Key.

    Sean Van Zant

    Awesome, thank you so much!

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