PHP Error Log – 7.17 MB memory used generating the dynamic sitemap

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro PHP Error Log – 7.17 MB memory used generating the dynamic sitemap

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  • #36817
    Master Kim

    I’m getting PHP Error Log periodically as below.

    [BPS Pro htaccess Protected Secure PHP Error Log]

    [14-Jan-2019 21:24:05 UTC] 7.17 MB memory used generating the dynamic sitemap in 5.228 seconds, 61.71 MB total memory used.
    [14-Jan-2019 21:26:39 UTC] 7.17 MB memory used generating the dynamic sitemap in 5.431 seconds, 61.70 MB total memory used.

    Do the above mean there is error needs to be fixed?

    If it is just to inform me the process and not due to an error, how can I ignore it?

    If they mean there is an error, what do I need to do? I’ve searched your forum mentioning dynamic sitemap to no avail.

    Thank you.

    AITpro Admin

    It is not an error and is just a log entry.  Technically log entries should logged to Log files instead of the PHP Error log, which should only be used to log PHP errors.  Whichever plugin is generating the dynamic sitemap is the plugin that is forcing that log entry in the PHP Error log. Check that plugin’s settings and look for a setting that says something about logging.  If you do not see any plugin settings like that then contact the plugin author for whichever plugin is doing this.  Probably a sitemap plugin based on the PHP Error log log entry.

    Master Kim

    I was told as below once on Oct. 4, 2018.

    This is a generic information log that’s providing you with some sitemap statistics. Can be ignored.

    However, what annoys me though is I keep receiving email as below whenever the log is updated.

    A PHP Error has been logged in your PHP Error Log File.

    Is there anyway for me to make it not to generate an email?

    Thank you.

    AITpro Admin

    If you are talking about BPS Pro email alerts and Dashboard alerts you can change all email alerts and Dashboard alerts on the BPS Pro > S-Monitor page > PHP Error Log: New Errors in The PHP Error Log option setting > change to > Do Not Send Email Alerts.

    Master Kim

    Thank you for your kind help.

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