PHP Error Log Overload

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro PHP Error Log Overload

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  • #4987
    guy te watson

    My PHP Error Log for one of my sites is so large in a day or two it is 7 to 10 mgs and when I click on the php error log link Firefox crashes and does not go there and Internet Explorer takes several minutes to open the file.  What can be causing all these errors.  Pretty much with all these errors mostly outside the plugins folder or uploads folder, the php error log is useless. The sites seems to be running ok, but I am getting errors like nothing should be working.  I have included below only a small piece of the error log that came up.  Please help. What do I do in this case.

    The theme is DirectoryPRess.

    In Christ

    guy te

    AITpro Admin

    You error log entries have been deleted.  Please do not post excessive error log errors in the future.  Please only post 1 or 2 relevant errors.

    Your BPS Pro php error log logs errors that are occurring on your website.  BPS Pro is not generating these errors and is only creating log entries for you to see and troubleshoot.  If you are seeing excessive errors then you would need to Google those php errors to find out what they mean and how to fix them or contact the plugin or theme author regarding each php error.  Or you can of course choose to not log php errors.

    Please see this Forum Topic on what php errors mean and how to handle them.

    AITpro Admin

    The php errors are related to wpfm_listing whatever that is.

    You should either contact the plugin or theme author about whatever this is or you can try Google searches something like this or variations of this below.

    WordPress database error Got a packet bigger than max_allowed_packet for query wpfm_listing

    Other possibilites are your Server is having connectivity problems or a hacker is trying to exploit some code on your website and it is generating massive amounts of errors.  From time to time hackers try this against the site and for a few days large amounts of errors occur.  After the hacker gives up the amount of errors go back to a normal amount of php errors.  I have not come across a website yet that does not have php errors intermittently – this is normal/natural and will happen til the end of time.

    guy te watson

    The PHP error log is getting so big that my site is breaking such that I could not even get into my WP login page until I renamed my plugin folder and shut down the plugins. Now that I am in none and I mean none of the BPS PHP functions will come up for me to even work with them to somehow turn php error logging off, every PHP function of BSP that I click on comes up with a blank page. That is what was happening to all my pages except my home page until I renamed the plugins folder so that I could get into the WP Admin Control panel area.  And now that I have renamed the plugins folder back to the correct name, again none Of My Pages are coming up except my home page. It may be another plugin that is causing that, but I think it is BPS because like I said I have been having problems with the PHP error log getting very large and causing problems but now it is so large that none of the PHP Functions of BPS are coming up. How can I get to this error log file that is like monsterous by now and how Can I turn error logging off.?

    In Christ
    guy te

    AITpro Admin

    Your Forum post has been merged into your old post that you posted 5 months ago with the exact same problem.

    FTP to your website and delete the php error log file here:  /wp-content/bps-backup/logs/bps_php_error.log.  This will allow you to get to the P-
    Security page and turn off php error logging so that this problem does not keep occurring.  You can turn off php error logging on the P-Security >>> ini_set Options tab page – Log PHP Errors:  Turn Off PHP Error Logging.

    BPS is designed to zip and email your php error log to you, but if excessive php errors are occurring on your website in a 1 hour period then your php error log file size will become to large to zip and email the log file to you.  The php error log Cron check to zip and email the php error log happens once per hour.  If you php error log file size becomes so large in a 1 hour period that it cannot be zipped and emailed to you then it will not be zipped and emailed to you and will continue to get larger and larger.

    I have put this on the task schedule for the team to look at.  Probably a simple check for:  if the php error log file is X size then automatically delete it.

    AITpro Admin

    BPS Pro 7.1 will include a new condition/check that will check if the php error log file size becomes larger than the 2MB maximum within a 1 hour time period and will automatically zip and email the file.  The email that is sent will contain a warning that excessive php errors are occurring on the website and either the coding issues that are causing these excessive php errors should be fixed on the website (other plugin’s code, theme code, other custom code used on the website) or php error logging should be turned off on the website.

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