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Tagged: Plugin Firewall
- This topic has 63 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
AITpro Admin.
Living Miracles
ParticipantThank you!
So we generally have two people logged into the same user (Admin) at the same time, from different IP addresses – does whitelisting the Admin role in the Additional Roles IP Whitelist tool take that into consideration? Meaning, do both IP addressed get whitelisted at the same time or will they be competing?
AITpro Admin
KeymasterIf you have multiple users logging into a website at the same time then yes you would want to use the Additional Roles IP Whitelist option. Things will still work fine if you do not do that, but it is just smarter to use that option.
Participant[Topic has been merged into this relevant Topic]
I did get entries from my own server in the Security Log. This is an example: How can i fix it?[403 GET|HEAD Request: 12. November 2015 - 19:57] Event Code: PFWR-PSBR-HPR Solution: http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/security-log-event-codes/ REMOTE_ADDR: xxx.xxx.xxx Host Name: xxxx SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0 HTTP_CLIENT_IP: HTTP_FORWARDED: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: xxxxxxxxx HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP: REQUEST_METHOD: GET HTTP_REFERER: https://www.xxxx/wp-admin/admin.php?page=bulletproof-security/admin/security-log/security-log.php REQUEST_URI: /wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/js/bps-ui-tabs.js?ver=4.3.1 QUERY_STRING: HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0
AITpro Admin
KeymasterDo the steps below.
Fix all general Plugin Firewall issues/problems:
1. Go to the BPS Security Log page and click the Delete Log button to delete your current Security Log file contents.
2. Go to the Plugin Firewall page.
3. Click the Plugin Firewall BulletProof Mode Deactivate button.
4. Delete (or cut if you want to add your existing whitelist rules back into the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area) all of your Plugin Firewall whitelist rules out of the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area.
5. Click the Save Whitelist Options button.
6. Click the Plugin Firewall Test Mode button.
7. Check your site pages by clicking on all main website pages: contact form page, home page, login page, etc.
8. Recheck the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area (after 1 minute) and you should see new Plugin Firewall whitelist rules have been created.
9. Change the AutoPilot Mode Cron Check Frequency to 15 minutes or whatever frequency time you would like to use.
10. Click the Plugin Firewall Activate button.Fix all general Plugin Firewall issues/problems and Proxy server configuration mistakes:
Additional steps to fix both general Plugin Firewall issues/problems and to compensate for an additional Proxy server configuration mistake (whitelist the Proxy IP Address). Note: This only applies to Proxy server issues/problems. Use the steps above unless specifically instructed to use these steps below to fix/whitelist a Proxy server IP address problem.1. Go to the BPS Security Log page and click the Delete Log button to delete your current Security Log file contents.
2. Go to the Plugin Firewall page.
3. Click the Plugin Firewall Additional Whitelist Tools accordion tab.
4. Enter Proxy server IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in the Whitelist by Hostname (domain name) and IP Address text box.
5. Click the Save Hostname and IP Address Rules button.
6. Click the Plugin Firewall BulletProof Mode Deactivate button.
7. Delete (or cut if you want to add your existing whitelist rules back into the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area) all of your Plugin Firewall whitelist rules out of the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area.
8. Click the Save Whitelist Options button.
9. Click the Plugin Firewall Test Mode button.
10. Check your site pages by clicking on all main website pages: contact form page, home page, login page, etc.
11. Recheck the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area (after 1 minute) and you should see new Plugin Firewall whitelist rules have been created.
12. Change the AutoPilot Mode Cron Check Frequency to 15 minutes or whatever frequency time you would like to use.
13. Click the Plugin Firewall Activate button.AW
ParticipantHi BPS,
I tried on the guide as above, but I could not create a whitelist. Could you direct me to a a guide page whereby on how to create a whitelist? I manage to did that few days ago, but seems like i cant find the guide. In my Security Log, it preview data as below. For your info, the WPTUBEVIDEO is a plugin that I installed, please guide on how to resolve the issue.[403 GET Request: January 28, 2016 12:30 pm] Event Code: PFWR-PSBR-HPR Solution: http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/security-log-event-codes/ REMOTE_ADDR: Host Name: SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1 HTTP_CLIENT_IP: HTTP_FORWARDED: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP: REQUEST_METHOD: GET HTTP_REFERER: http://raptorsvape.com/ REQUEST_URI: /wp-content/plugins/wptubevideo/js/my_script.js?ver=4.4.1 QUERY_STRING: HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; GT-N7100 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.83 Mobile Safari/537.36
Thanks and sorry for the hassle.
AlexAITpro Admin
KeymasterWhen I check your site and check this js file: /wp-content/plugins/wptubevideo/js/my_script.js it is not being blocked by BPS or anything else. When I check your YouTube videos here: http://raptorsvape.com/blog/ the are playing normally. Maybe Plugin Firewall AutoPilot Mode already created a whitelist rule for this script? AutoPilot Mode whitelist rules are created on the next scheduled AutoPilot Mode Cron Job run. ie every x minutes.
ParticipantHi BPS,
Yes it was not block, I though the info that be shown via Security Log is something that need to be solve. By the way, there’s one function that may not functioning. CAPCHA by BPS
If you register as a NEW MEMBER, the CAPTCHA is a must to enter.
However, when you “log out” > “clear cache” and try to relogin via ” http://raptorsvape.com/login/ ”
You do not need to enter the BPS CapTCHA but still can LOGIN after you had inserted your username and password
I checked the Login Security in BPS is Turn ON. The JTC Anti-Spam Hacker Anti-Hacker is ON as well and was checked on Login Form, Register Form and Comment Form. > Subscriber was checked as well.Please advice on the issue.
AlexAITpro Admin
KeymasterSounds like a problem with your Theme ClassiPress. Maybe it is taking over login processing or cancelling out JTC? Try switching your Theme to the WordPress 2016 theme and see if the same problem occurs. Also WP Fastest Cache file is caching your login page. Login pages and forms should never be cached for any reason. So exclude the custom /login/page from being cached by WP Fastest Cache.
ParticipantHi BPS,
Okay I will check out the WP Cache. In the Classic Press itself it does have a reCaptcha function as well, but i did not activate it cause i am using BPS 🙂
By the way…new error about PFW. There’s an error come out as below :-
Activate Plugin Firewall (PFW) BulletProof Mode button Read M
Error: Your Whitelist rules either have additional/extra whitespaces between whitelist rules, line breaks/new lines between or after your whitelist rules or no space after the comma between your plugin scripts/paths/rules. Click on the Plugin Firewall Whitelist Tools accordion tab and click the Save Whitelist Options button to see if this automatically fixes the problem. If the error is still occurring then correct/fix any invalid plugin whitelist rules in the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area. Edit your Whitelist rules to correct the error and click the Save Whitelist Options button and activate the Plugin Firewall again. Valid plugin Whitelist rules MUST use ONLY this Format: /plugin-folder-name/plugin-script.js, /plugin-folder-name/(.*).js. Plugin paths/scripts are separated by a comma and a single space. Your whitelist rules should be one continuous single line of scripts/paths/rules without any line breaks/new lines.In the File Whitelist Text Area does only contain the text below: /backupbuddy/pluginbuddy/js/admin.js What should I do ? PFW is off now.
Looking forward for your help.
AlexAITpro Admin
KeymasterDo these steps and let me know if the problem is fixed: http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/plugin-firewall-read-me-first-troubleshooting/page/2/#post-26268
Participant[Topic has been merged into this relevant Topic]
I have turned-on the JTC protection on my website. Do I also have to edit my .htaccess file to block IP addresses that are repeatedly trying to login to my site, or is enabling JTC sufficient? Thank you.AITpro Admin
Keymaster@ Andrew – JTC blocks 100% of all automated login attempts/attacks by hackerbots and spambots. 99.99% of all login attempts/attacks are automated using Bots. Your Security Log logs all blocked hackerbots and spambots. So nope you should not have to add any other Login security measures for your website.
Participant[Topic has been merged into this relevant Topic]
Hello BPS,
Thanks for the hard work!
I encounter some issue in whitelist plugin which I need your guide on how to correct it.
Error Message:-
Error: One or more of your Whitelist rules are not valid
Click on the Plugin Firewall Whitelist Tools accordion tab and correct/fix any invalid plugin whitelist rules in the Plugins Script|File Whitelist Text Area.
Edit your Whitelist rules and correct whitelist rules that contain any of these invalid things:
ver=, page=, src=, www, http, https, href, .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .gov, .edu and
click the Save Whitelist Options button and activate the Plugin Firewall again.
Valid plugin Whitelist rules MUST use ONLY this Format: /plugin-folder-name/plugin-script.js, /plugin-folder-name/(.*).js. Plugin paths/scripts are separated by a comma and a single space.
And my plugin script:-/akismet/_inc/form.js, /jetpack/modules/wpgroho.js, /contact-form-7/includes/js/jquery.form.min.js, /jetpack/modules/photon/photon.js, /contact-form-7/includes/js/scripts.js, /mts-wp-google-translate/public/js/wp-google-translate-public.js, /wp-fastest-cache/js/schedule.js, /wp-fastest-cache/js/toolbar.js, /jetpack/modules/related-posts/related-posts.js, /better-analytics/js/loader.php?ver=1.1.4.js, /bbpress/templates/default/js/editor.min.js, /jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing.js, /wp-random-button/js/functions.js
Please guide me on which script that cause the problem and need to change.
AlexAITpro Admin
Keymaster@ AW – remove “?ver=1.1.4.js” from this Plugin Firewall rule and click the save/Activate button again: /better-analytics/js/loader.php?ver=1.1.4.js
Participant[Topic has been merged into this relevant Topic]
I didn’t want to Hijack your other thread so I post my problem here. The BPS GUI is broken on my Site. I disable all plugins and switch to any standard WP twenty-X themes, the GUI is still broken. Disabling the Plugin Firewall instantly resolves the problem.As all plugins were disabled (but BPS) and a standard theme was chosen, I had no more ideas.
I am getting a lot of REQUEST_URI: /wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/js/bps-ui-dialog.js?ver=12.3 Errors though. Feel free to further investigate my site, it’s development/testing only.
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