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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
ios man.
AITpro Admin
KeymasterDashboard Status and Alerting Options
Dashboard Status Display
The Heads Up Dashboard Status Display displays at the top of all WordPress pages by default and displays the current BPS Pro version installed & clickable links to pages: Root Folder BulletProof Mode (RBM), wp-admin Folder BulletProof Mode (WBM), AutoRestore (ARQ), MScan Malware Scanner (MSCAN), Database Monitor (DBM), Database Backup (DBB), Plugin Firewall (PFW), Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard (UAEG), Login Security & Monitoring (LSM), JTC Anti-Spam|Anti-Hacker (JTC), Idle Session Logout (ISL) and Auth Cookie Expiration (ACE). It is recommended that you choose Display Status in WP Dashboard for all of these mission critical BPS Pro security features.Dashboard Status Display Functionality
The Dashboard Status Display performs checks and displays the status of BPS Pro features, options and your site security in real-time. The Dashboard Status Display automatically turns itself off when a Form is submitted using POST and displays a Reload BPS Pro Status Display button. Automatically turning off the Status Display during Form processing is a performance enhancement|optimization. Clicking the Reload BPS Pro Status Display button reloads|displays the Dashboard Status Display.Reset|Recheck Dismiss Notices:
Clicking this button resets ALL Dismiss Notices such as Bonus Code Dismiss Notices and ALL other Dismiss Notices. If you previously dismissed a Dismiss Notice and want to display it again at a later time click this button.Security Status: BPS Pro Version, RBM, WBM & Alerts
Displays the currently installed BPS Pro version, RBM, WBM & more importantly critical security alerts in your WP Dashboard. It is recommended that you choose: Display Status & Alerts in WP Dashboard. RBM stands for Root BulletProof Mode & displays On or Off, WBM stands for wp-admin BulletProof Mode & displays On or Off.Security Log: New Log Entry Has Been Logged Alerts
When new Security Log entries are logged in your Security Log file you are alerted by BPS that you have a new log entry. You can choose to have Security Log Alerts displayed in your WP Dashboard, in BPS pages Only or turn Alerts Off. You can also choose to have Security Log Alerts and log files emailed to you with Email Alerting & Log File Options. The Security Log Alert contains a link to the Security Log page. Security Log Alerts can be turned On or Off as needed. The Security Log is a primary troubleshooting tool in BPS Pro, but Security Log alerts will occur all day, every day and can be irritating. Recommended Usage/Setting: Security Log Dashboard Alerts should be used during troubleshooting and should be turned off normally when not troubleshooting.AutoRestore|Quarantine: ARQ Status
The ARQ Status Display displays whether AutoRestore is On or Off, the ARQ Cron Frequency & the time the next ARQ Cron job will be run. Display options: in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the ARQ Status in your WP Dashboard.AutoRestore|Quarantine: ARQ Alerts
Displays and AutoRestore|Quarantine Alert when a file has been autorestored or quarantined. You can choose to have ARQ Alerts displayed in your WP Dashboard, in BPS pages Only or turn Alerts Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the ARQ Alerts in your WP Dashboard.MScan Malware Scanner: MSCAN Status
The MSCAN Status Display displays either a question mark hover icon indicating an MScan scan has not been run yet or the Delete Scan Status Tool has been used, the last successful scan timestamp (manual scans) or the MScan Cron Frequency & the time the next MScan Cron job will be run (BPS Pro only scheduled scans). Display options: Display last or next scan time in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off.Database Monitor: DBM Status
The DBM Status Display displays whether the Database Monitor is On or Off, the DBM Cron Frequency & the time the next DBM Cron job will be run. Display options: in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the DBM Status in your WP Dashboard.Database Monitor: DBM Alerts
The DB Monitor alerts you via email anytime a change/modification occurs in your WordPress database or a new database table is created in your WordPress database based on your DBM Email Alerting & Log file options for DBM. Your DB Monitor Log also logs any changes/modifications to your WordPress database and other relevant help info. You can choose to have DBM Alerts displayed in your WP Dashboard, in BPS pages Only or turn Alerts Off.Database Backup: DBB Status
The DBB Status Display displays either a question mark hover icon indicating a DB Backup has not been run yet or the last successful Database Backup timestamp. Display options: Last Backup time in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the DBB Status in your WP Dashboard.Plugin Firewall: Firewall Status
Displays On or Off status of the Plugin Firewall in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. If you have AutoPilot Mode turned On, AutoPilot and the next scheduled Cron timestamp and frequency will be displayed. It is recommended that you choose to display the PFW Status in your WP Dashboard.Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard: UAEG Status
Displays On or Off status of UAEG in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the UAEG Status in your WP Dashboard.Login Security: Login Security Status
Displays On or Off status of Login Security in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the LSM Status in your WP Dashboard.Login Security: Login Security Alerts
Displays Login Security Alerts in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. Choosing Turn Off Displayed Alerts turns Off Login Security Alerts. You can choose email alerting options instead if you do not want to see the WP Dashboard or BPS Pages Only Alerts.Idle Session Logout: ISL Status
Displays On or Off status of Idle Session Logout in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. ISL is an optional feature so ISL is not displayed in your Dashboard Status Display by default.Auth Cookie Expiration: ACE Status
Displays On or Off status of Auth Cookie Expiration in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. ACE is an optional feature so ACE is not displayed in your Dashboard Status Display by default.JTC Anti-Spam|Anti-Hacker: JTC Status
Displays On or Off status of JTC Anti-Spam|Anti-Hacker in your WP Dashboard, BPS Pages Only or turn this status display Off. It is recommended that you choose to display the JTC Status in your WP Dashboard.File Lock: File Lock|Unlock Alerts
Checks file permissions for Mission Critical files in real time. If your Host Server is using CGI as the php handler and if your Server API is CGI displayed properly then this check works perfectly to determine your file permissions locked or unlocked status. If your Host is using DSO mod_php you may see error messages that the files are not locked depending on how your Host Servers are configured. If your Host Server is definitely using DSO mod_php then you can turn this Display & Alert Options option off. DSO file permissions should be 644 and cannot be set more restrictive because of the way DSO works. File permissions for CGI and DSO are managed on the File Lock page.File Lock: Folder Lock|Unlock Alerts
Cron based scheduled check that checks your Hosting Account Root folder for any new folders that are created. If a new folder is found it is automatically locked with 400 permissions. To unlock a locked folder use the File|Folder Lock Folder Lock Tools. See the Folder Lock Help Info Question Mark help button on the File|Folder Lock Folder Lock page for more in depth help information about Folder Lock.HUD Alerts: BPS Error, Problem and Warning Alerts
Heads Up Display – HUD Alerts are important and it is recommended that you choose to display these Alerts in your WordPress Dashboard. HUD Alerts will alert you to any serious problems with BPS or any other problem or issues that need to be corrected right away.PHP Error Log: Check Folder Path Location Alert
Checks if your php error log file path has been set and that the path is correct. A php error log is a good thing to have in general to check for website problems and it is important in website security monitoring as well.PHP Error Log: New Errors in The PHP Error Log Alerts
When new PHP errors occur on your website they are logged in your PHP Error Log and you are alerted by BPS that you have a new PHP error in your error log. You can choose to have PHP Error Log Alerts displayed in your WP Dashboard, in BPS pages Only or turn Alerts Off. You can also choose to have PHP Error Log Alerts and log files emailed to you with Email Alerting & Log File Options. The PHP Error Log Alert contains a link to the PHP Options PHP Error Log page.Php.ini|ini_set: Error Checks & Alerts
Various checks for possible issues or problems with php.ini files, ini_set options, Loaded Configuration file checks, PHP error log Set To Location matches the error log path seen by the Server, etc. For additional Status checking of individual directives see the Php.ini Security Status page. NOTE: As of PHP5.3.x adding a custom php.ini file for your website has become very complicated and problematic. It is recommended that you use the ini_set Options as an alternative to creating a custom php.ini file for your website if your PHP version is 5.3.x or greater.Email Alerting & Log File Options Question Mark Help Button help information:
The Email Alerting & Log File options work independently of the Dashboard Status and Alerting Options
The Email Alerting & Log File options work independently of the Display & Alert Options Monitoring and Alerting Options for displayed Status & Alerts.
The email address fields To, From, Cc and Bcc can be email addresses for your hosting account, your WordPress Administrator email address or 3rd party email addresses like gmail or yahoo email. If you are sending emails to multiple email recipients then separate the email addresses with a comma. Example: someone@somewhere.com, someoneelse@somewhereelse.com. You can add a space or not add a space after the comma between email addresses.
Login Security: Send Email Alerts When…
There are 5 different email options. Choose to have email alerts sent when a User Account is locked out, An Administrator Logs in, An Administrator Logs in and when a User Account is locked out, Any User logs in and when a User Account is locked out or Do Not Send Email Alerts.The email alerts contain the action that occurred with Timestamp and these fields: Username, Status, Role, Email, Lockout Time, Lockout Time Expires, User IP Address, User Hostname, Request URI and URL link for the website where the action occurred.
DBM: When A Database Change|Modification Occurs…
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when the Database Monitor has detected a change/modification to any of your database tables.DB Monitor Email|Delete Log File:
Select the maximum Log File size that you want to allow for your DB Monitor Log File and then select the option that you want when your log file reaches that maximum size. Choose to either automatically Email the Log file to you and delete it or just delete it without emailing the log file to you first.ARQ: When A File Has Been AutoRestored|Quarantined
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when a file has been AutoRestored or Quarantined.ARQ: When AutoRestore|Quarantine is Turned Off
Choose the frequency (5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minute intervals) of email alerts sent when AutoRestore is turned Off or choose Do Not Send Email Alerts when AutoRestore has been turned Off.AutoRestore|Quarantine Email|Delete Log File:
Select the maximum Log File size that you want to allow for your Quarantine Log File and then select the option that you want when your log file reaches that maximum size. Choose to either automatically Email the Log file to you and delete it or just delete it without emailing the log file to you first.MSCAN: When A Suspicious File Has Been Detected
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when a suspicious file or DB Entry has been detected. Note: Email alerts are only sent for scheduled MScan scans and not for manual scans unless you run a manual scan and you have saved a scan frequency option setting.MScan Malware Scanner Email|Delete Log File:
Select the maximum Log File size that you want to allow for your MScan Log File and then select the option that you want when your log file reaches that maximum size. Choose to either automatically Email the Log file to you and delete it or just delete it without emailing the log file to you first.Security Log: New Log Entry Has Been Logged
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when a new security entry has been logged in your Security Log file.Security Log File Email|Delete Log File:
Select the maximum Log File size that you want to allow for your Security Log File and then select the option that you want when your log file reaches that maximum size. Choose to either automatically Email the Log file to you and delete it or just delete it without emailing the log file to you first.PHP Error Log: New Errors in The PHP Error Log
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when a new PHP Error has been logged in your PHP Error Log file.PHP Error Log File Email|Delete Log File:
Select the maximum Log File size that you want to allow for your PHP Error Log File and then select the option that you want when your log file reaches that maximum size. Choose to either automatically Email the Log file to you and delete it or just delete it without emailing the log file to you first.DB Backup Log File Email|Delete Log File:
Select the maximum Log File size that you want to allow for your DB Backup Log File and then select the option that you want when your log file reaches that maximum size. Choose to either automatically Email the Log file to you and delete it or just delete it without emailing the log file to you first.File|Folder Lock Folder Lock: When A Folder Has Been Locked
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when a Hosting Account Root folder has been locked.HPF: Hidden Plugin Folders|Files (HPF) Cron
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent if a hidden or empty plugin folder is detected or a non-standard WP file is detected in the WordPress /plugins/ folder.BPS Pro Upgrade Notification
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent when a new version of BPS Pro is available. BPS Pro upgrade notifications are displayed just like any other plugin upgrade notification in your WP Dashboard. You can also manually check for a BPS Pro upgrade on the WordPress Plugins page by clicking the BulletProof Security Pro Manual Upgrade Check link. NOTE: If you are not receiving upgrade notifications then try adding a From email address. If you are still not receiving email notifications then your Host is blocking the BPS Pro version upgrade check so you will not receive upgrade notification emails.Plugin Updates Available Email Alert:
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent if new Plugin version updates are available. The default setting is “Do Not Send Email Alerts”. You can choose either to send email alerts for all Plugins or only Active Plugins.Theme Updates Available Email Alert:
Choose whether or not to have email alerts sent if new Theme version updates are available. The default setting is “Do Not Send Email Alerts”. You can choose either to send email alerts for all Themes or only the Active Theme.ios man
Participantthanks my issue has been fixed.
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