Security Log – errors not logged, log file empty, log file blank

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Security Log – errors not logged, log file empty, log file blank

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  • #25366


    Not sure what’s going on here, but since updating (I think it was since then) when BPS pro shows I have a security alert in the dashboard, there is nothing at all in the log. Weird, as it always used to show what the security problem was.  Any ideas what’s happened to the info? Or what i might have done wrong?

    Cheers, J

    AITpro Admin

    Check all the basics.  Is Security Logging turned On, etc.  Test Security logging by entering: in your Browser and check your Security Log.


    Ok, this is going to be the basic Q of the day: where do I check if Security Logging is turned on or not? I’ve checked and it shows it’s on to show alerts in the dashboard etc, and that Login Security in turned on – is that it? I’ve logged out and tested the which produced the 403 Forbidden Error Page. When I logged back in, there was the Security Log Alert – A New Security Log Entry Has Been Logged. Click Here to go to the Security Log. notice, but when I checked there was nothing in the log – totally blank – yet it said File Open and Write test successful! Your Security Log file is writable. I’ll rerun the set up wizard again and retest.

    AITpro Admin

    Check the Security Log page.  You will see Security Log Status: Logging is Turned On or Logging is Turned Off.  You will see Turn Off Logging and Turn On Logging buttons. Try clicking the Delete Log button to delete your Security Log and create a new blank Security Log and then enter: in your Browser and check your Security Log.


    After re-running the setup wizard, no change. Checked and security logging turned on. Deleted the security log and bingo! the new log looked like it used to with the words
    now back at the top of the file. Retested with the url as above, and now works as expected! so i think it was deleting the log that fixed it. Thank you. No idea why it started but another lesson learned for next time 🙂 and your support response time has to be the quickest on the www!

    AITpro Admin

    Great!  Thanks for confirming that worked.

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