SendPress – Port 25 seems to be blocked, Port 465 seems to be blocked

Home Forums BulletProof Security Free SendPress – Port 25 seems to be blocked, Port 465 seems to be blocked


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  • #2202
    AITpro Admin

    Email Question:
    help please!
    After installing bulletproof-security-plugin sendpress gives the message is
    port 25 is blocked
    port 465 is blocked
    smtp error: could not connect to smtp host
    I can not find information on the forum, please
    do I have to do?

    AITpro Admin

    BPS and BPS Pro do not block SMTP Ports.  You will need to contact your Web Host.
    Please see this WordPress forum post:
    To completely eliminate that BPS is involved in the blocked port connection deactivate Root Folder BulletProof Mode and test again.

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