Set-up Wizard generates 503 error, auto updates problem with WP-Cron, & Litespeed htaccess code

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Set-up Wizard generates 503 error, auto updates problem with WP-Cron, & Litespeed htaccess code

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  • #43844

    Hello BPS Pro,

    Hopefully this thread has not been closed as I am still having problems and would greatly value your suggestions.

    I have have been going back and forth with my Host with the 503’s and I/O resource usage.  They confirm that there are no issues with ModSecurity, cron jobs, file permissions.

    However problems remain with “503 Service unavailable, server is temporarily busy, try again later” occurring and I/O usage spiking to the limit accompanied by memory faults: MemF and IOf in cpanel.  My Host suggested adding more memory (to the next level plan) but I am not confident this is the answer as I see the same problems on my other static site with similar setup.

    Questions to my Host on possible causes of the I/O usage to limits with MemF, IOf Faults were not addressed.

    Nor what is causing the php warnings seen on the BPS PHP error log on May 7 (but not seen since):  Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/utils.php on line 750 (and other lines).

    I am still getting 503 errors whenever I try to activate the first step of the BPS Pro Setup Wizard.

    This step triggers the BPS message: “LiteSpeed Cache Plugin htaccess code was not found in your Root htaccess file”. I don’t have LiteSpeed’s Guest mode on. To work around the Wizard 503 I do a restore from a backup.

    I deactivated the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin, ran the Wizard again but still got a 503. While I feel this is not the problem, its never been before, can you suggest a work-around for this?  I am not sure of how to whitelist LiteSpeed in the UAEG file (currently empty).

    I have been able to install the latest updates to WordPress, Astra theme, plugins.  However I cannot run the BPS Wizard when the message to do so pops up. My Host suggested I go back to you for any suggestions.

    The 503 is not solely a BPS issue as I tried to explain to my Host.  I also get a 503 when trying to export a txt file from the Diagnostics tab in Wordfence, put the Wordfence firewall in learning mode, other random instances such as trying to save edits to the home page, block editor.

    I have deactivated the plugins one by one but the problem continues. I am waiting to hear from Wordfence.

    In short I don’t know what to do next.

    Thank you again for your time and I look forward to your reply.

    AITpro Admin

    At this point the web host server problems have been going on so long without a solution from your web host that you honestly only have one logical decision to make, which is to pick another web host. Or you can try one last thing with your current web host > ask them to move your hosting account to a different server.  Personally I think that would be a waste of your time and you should find a new web host.  I have been using GoDaddy for about 20 years and have had 3 major hosting problems with the worst problem taking no longer than a few days to fix.



    An update in case it helps somebody else with a similar problem of not being able to use the Setup Wizard nor click on System Info without triggering 503 errors.

    These were resolved when I upgraded to more memory.  I now have four times the memory and CPU.   It involved migration to a different, but still shared, server.

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