You cannot use the double quote code character for the JTC ToolTip. The reason for that is if I allow that then some amateur bug hunter will submit a Security Vulnerability CVE for BPS and BPS Pro. Lots of experience with amateur bug hunters submitting ridiculous “security vulnerabilities” in BPS and BPS Pro over the years. 😉 And before you mention it, that info is not under the JTC Tooltip help section, that help info will be updated in the next BPS Pro version. Just forgot to update it.
This is the CAPTCHA that users will enter to Register, Login or post Comments on your website. You can use any numbers or characters and spaces in the CAPTCHA. You can even use HTML code characters except for these HTML code characters: < > ‘ ” &. You can use a phrase for the CAPTCHA or it can be a single word or you can use your own original combination of words, numbers and HTML characters.