Activate Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard – Enable UAEG

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Activate Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard – Enable UAEG

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  • #1380

    Hi there,
    I noticed the new status for UAEG and apparently I have mine turned off.
    I can’t for the life of me find where to turn this on, or if I should need it on.
    My second question relates so some issue’s my client is having.
    Apparently when you edit a post/page in the WYSIWYG, that using the ‘Insert/Edit Link’ button within the toolbar no longer functions.
    I was wondering if it’s possible that BPS Pro would be blocking the javascript? or perhaps it’s something completely different.
    the website is
    AITpro Admin already has an account in the website if he needs to access it.

    AITpro Admin

    Update:  A new Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard (UAEG) Read Me First Sticky Topic has been created in the link below.

    The Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard (UAEG) can be enabled by going to B-Core Security Modes page and scrolling down to…

    Activate Uploads Folder htaccess Security Mode

    This is typically enabled/activated by default, but there was a period in an earlier version of BulletProof Security Pro where I was advising some folks to turn off/deactivate UAEG due to the .htaccess code being too sophisticated for some Hosts/Servers.  The .htaccess code was dumbed down so that it would work on all Hosts/Servers Worldwide.  And yes you should always be using this Security feature to protect your /uploads folder.

    I split your other question and posted it here >>>



    Hmm, I went there and activated the BulletProof mode for the Activate Uploads Folder htaccess Security Mode and it notified me of a successful protection of the uploads folder.
    However the UAEG status message being displayed still says ‘Off’.
    Not sure if I did something wrong.

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