UAEG Status: Off

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  • #3666

    I’m getting this alert: BULLETPROOF PRO 5.7 SECURE .HTACCESS
    UAEG Status: Off

    If I enable it, I get a page that says: BULLETPROOF PRO 5.7 SECURE .HTACCESS UAEG Status: Off
    BulletProof Security Uploads Folder Protection Activated. Your /uploads folder is now protected with BulletProof Security. However, as soon as I reload the page, I’m back to: BULLETPROOF PRO 5.7 SECURE .HTACCESS UAEG Status: Off

    I can see the .htaccess folder with the BulletProof code in my uploads directory, I know it’s there.
    Am I overlooking a step in this somewhere?

    AITpro Admin

    I assume that you will need to change the folder permission on the /wp-content/uploads folder temporarily like you have done for all of your other folders in order to allow BPS to write to this folder with your particular Server Configuration.  Most likely I need to double check the messaging on that function so that it displays an error instead of saying the copy actually successfully occured.  Will double check that in a bit.


    The uploads directory is 777. And the .htaccess is there… so it would have to be working there, correct? Or is there something else that has to happen?

    AITpro Admin

    UAEG creates this Master .htaccess file here first – /bulletproof-security/htaccess/uploads.htaccess.  If you are using the Plugin Firewall then it is completely safe to change the /bulletproof-security/ plugin folder to 666 or 777 permanently.  Or you can change folder/file Ownership if that works better.  but with that said if the uploads .htaccess file is being created correctly then I assume this folder is already accessible/writable.

    Kouichi Sugawara

    Hi AITpro

    On S-Monitor, Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard: UAEG Status:
    I selectted  yesterday:  Turn Off Displayed Status to hide UADG Alart.
    Today, I still have Alart as:
    Security Log Alert
    A New Security Log Entry Has Been Logged

    How do I hide UAEG Alart ?

    AITpro Admin

    @ Kouichi – this is a very old topic.  The information in this topic is outdated so either this Topic will be deleted or it will be updated with current information in the near future.

    Go to the S-Monitor page and click the Monitoring and Alerting Options Read Me help button. It contains help information about what each S-Monitor option does.

    Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard: UAEG Status is for displaying UAEG in the Dashboard Status Display.
    Security Log: New Log Entry Has Been Logged Alerts turns Off Security Log Alerts.

    Also I meant to point out to you that if you use the Google Chrome Browser you can right mouse click in BPS Pro plugin pages and choose translation to Japanese. You can view the English Read Me help text in Japanese. It probably it is not exactly accurate, but hopefully it is fairly accurate.

    Kouichi Sugawara

    Hi AITpro

    On S-Monitor, Uploads Anti-Exploit Guard: UAEG Status:

    I have selection three ways as follows:
    1. Display Status & Alerts in WP Dashboard
    2. Display Status & Alerts in BPS Only
    3. Turn Off Displayed Status

    When I selected Item-3, It seems to be non display at anywhere.
    But Security Log Alert Displayed on BPS.
    It may be selectin 2.
    I do not understand this result.

    AITpro Admin

    Turn Off means do not display the Status.  Some S-Monitor options are for the Dashboard Status Display and other S-Monitor options are for Alerts.  They are 2 totally different things.  UAEG and the Security Log options are separate options that do separate things.  If you do not want to see Security Log Alerts then turn them Off.  You cannot turn Off UAEG security log entries separately.  You can turn Off Security Logging, you can turn Off Security Log Alerts, you can turn Off the Security Log Status Display, but you cannot turn off UAEG security log entries because that is not how that works.

    All UAEG 403 errors are logged in the Security Log.  If you do not want to see any Security Log Alerts then turn Security Log Alerts Off.

    AITpro Admin

    I just thought of something that is probably the best way to go.  I can put you directly in touch with some other BPS Pro customers that are Japanese / speak Japanese.  I will look into this tomorrow and let you know the best way to contact them.  I believe some of them have forum accounts so maybe doing a friend request?  I wll let you know tomorrow.

    Kouichi Sugawara

    Hi AITpro

    Thaks for your kindly help.

    I have understood just now by your comment ‘Status’.
    Staus means just Display ‘UAEG:ON’.
    I confused with Alart Msg.

    Thak you again, This item is closed.

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