Whitelist QUIC.cloud?

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    Hi, it seems like Litespeed QUIC.cloud which is similar to Cloudflare may not be compatible with BPS Pro? I get an Error 520 that says I need to “verify that all QUIC.cloud IPs are in the allowlist on your server,” and the website goes down as the result.

    It looks like I resolved the error by adding all of QUIC.cloud’s IPs to the whitelist https://docs.quic.cloud/onboarding/allowlist/ but as QUIC.cloud notes ‘this is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. In order to optimize global performance, we add and remove nodes frequently, which means the list of IP addresses also will change frequently.’

    So I’m wondering if there is anything else that can be done so that Quic.cloud is on the whitelist?


    AITpro Admin

    I’ve never seen a service like this state that they will randomly change their block of IP addresses.  Most services like this have a set list of IP addresses that will never change for obvious reasons.  Are you adding the QUIC cloud IP addresses in the BPS Pro Plugin Firewall whitelist tools?  If so, then the simplest solution would be to turn off/deactivate the BPS Pro Plugin Firewall feature.

    Looking at the capabilities of QUIC cloud it will offer comparable WAF firewall protection in place of the BPS Pro Plugin Firewall. So you would not be losing that protection since QUIC cloud would be handling that instead of the Plugin Firewall feature.


    Thanks for your reply. Yes I added the QUIC cloud IP addresses to the BPS Pro Plugin Firewall whitelist tools but I have now changed Plugin Firewall AutoPilot Mode status to Off – if both services offer a similar firewall protection

    AITpro Admin

    Also click the Plugin Firewall Deactivate button to deactivate the Plugin Firewall.  AutoPilot Mode is an automatic updater feature for the Plugin Firewall.


    Great, thanks!


    The Error 520 came back with the BPS Plugin Firewall disabled. I’ve decided to deactivate QUIC.cloud as it was causing too many issues. Thanks.

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