WordPress 4.1 – jQuery UI Dialog window position not centered

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro WordPress 4.1 – jQuery UI Dialog window position not centered

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  • #19248
    AITpro Admin

    Position Method:  Position an element relative to another.


    Type: Object
    • my (default: "center")
      Type: String
      Defines which position on the element being positioned to align with the target element: “horizontal vertical” alignment. A single value such as "right" will be normalized to "right center", "top"will be normalized to "center top" (following CSS convention). Acceptable horizontal values: "left", "center", "right". Acceptable vertical values: "top", "center", "bottom". Example: "left top" or "center center". Each dimension can also contain offsets, in pixels or percent, e.g.,"right+10 top-25%". Percentage offsets are relative to the element being positioned.
    • at (default: "center")
      Type: String
      Defines which position on the target element to align the positioned element against: “horizontal vertical” alignment. See the my option for full details on possible values. Percentage offsets are relative to the target element.

    Previously BPS was using the older position: "center" jQuery code to center jQuery UI Dialog windows on plugin pages. The new jQuery versions use the Options above.  If anyone else runs into a problem in WordPress 4.1 with jQuery UI Dialog window positioning then here is an example of the correct position Option code.

    	var $info1 = $("#bps-modal-content1");     
    			dialogClass: "wp-dialog",  
    			autoOpen: false,
    			show: {
    				effect: "blind",
    				duration: 500
    			hide: {
    				effect: "explode",
    				duration: 300
    			modal: false,
    		 	width: 400,
    		 	height: 500,			
    		 	position: { 
    				my: "center", 
    				at: "center" 
    		 	buttons: {             
    				"Close": function() {                 
    	$("#bps-open-modal1").click(function(event) {
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