WordPress database error Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now – BlogVault

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro WordPress database error Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now – BlogVault

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  • #39350
    AITpro Admin

    Various and numerous php errors were being logged by the BPS Pro PHP Error log.  The plugin responsible for these php error was BlogVault.

    Working Solution: Turn Off the BlogVault firewall and turn it back On.

    Possible Cause of the problem: BlogVault thought that something might have happened on the initial writing of the BlogVault Database tables when it was installed. Turning Off the BlogVault firewall and turning it back On created the BlogVault database tables correctly.

    Example php errors:
    Note:  The issue affects several different plugins, but the root cause of this problem is BlogVault.

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