BPS Pro tabs and images not showing

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  • #10508
    Paul D.

    I checked the source code and aside from BPS Pro javascript, there are two others :

    <script type='text/javascript' src='httx://website_name.com/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=3.6.1'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='httx://website_name.com/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-tabs,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-dragga&load%5B%5D=ble,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-dialog,jquery-form,jquery-ui-accordion,jquery-effects-core,jquery-effects-blin&load%5B%5D=d,jquery-effects-explode,heartbeat,wp-auth-check&ver=3.6.1'></script>

    I’m sure the server is not blocking secure.htaccess as the other website hosted in the same webhost displays the images correctly. Tried cURL for Firewall whitelisting and nothing found.

    Please help

    Paul D.

    Fixed the problem with http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/bps-menu-tabs-not-displaying-correctly-visual-format-is-broken/#post-9752

    Paul D.

    Note: Recurring prob.

    AITpro Admin

    Please explain exactly how you fixed the problem and when it reoccurs.  There are a couple of things that cause this issue so it may be one or the other depending on what worked to fix the problem and when it reoccurs.  Thanks.

    Paul D.

    I’m finished configuring BPS Pro settings and all. I’m not sure what triggered those images not showing up. But I fixed it with the following steps :

    1. Turn ARQ off.
    2. Delete Plugins htaccess file in Plugin Firewall (at about this point images are back )
    3. Save Whitelist Options
    4. Activate Bulletproof mode Plugin htaccess
    5. Save wp-content files in ARQ
    6. Turn ARQ on

    I will check later if the problem still persists. So far so good.

    EDIT :
    This occurred after trying to delete the default wordpress comment.
    http: //i39.tinypic.com/mvhwqu.jpg

    AITpro Admin

    Are you saying that the problem reoccurred after trying to the delete the default WordPress comment or was the “EDIT” just some more additional details of the issue/problem?

    Paul D.

    Yes. Deleting the “default” wordpress comment in this case at least. And it’s affecting the addon domain accounts too. Same issue. Is it a server issue or a plugin issue? I can try applying the same solution and do nothing and wait.

    Please help.

    AITpro Admin

    “…in this case at least.”  – are you saying this only occurred on this one site and in this case – one time or is the problem reoccurring each time you do this?

    “And it’s affecting the addon domain accounts too…” – please explain this in more detail.

    Paul D.

    What I meant about “…in this case at least…” is that I tried a simple operation like deleting the default wordpress comment to see if it can trigger the disappearing images/tabs issue. And it did.

    What I mean about “And it’s affecting the addon domain accounts too…”  is that in this specific case there are only 2 websites in the webhosting account. And I am opening both at the same time. One is in the root while the 2nd one is in a subfolder (an addon domain) with a separate BPS Pro installed.  When I deleted the default wordpress comment (in the primary domain/root WP installation) and saw that the images/tabs are gone, I checked and refreshed the addon domain WP dashboard. The tabs and images are gone too.

    AITpro Admin

    Ok great!  The problem is purely coincidental in appearance meaning that any similar action that you performed, deleting the default WordPress comment or simply refreshing your Browser would have resulted in the same symptoms.  In other words, the problem is not directly related to deleting the default WordPress comment and is actually just with the Plugin Firewall .htaccess file.

    Which version of BPS Pro do you installed on these sites?
    Did you use the Pre-installation Wizard and Setup Wizard to setup BPS Pro?

    Paul D.

    BPS Pro 7.5

    Yes. I did use the  setup wizard.

    AITpro Admin

    Ok I will need to login to this site and find out what is interfering with the Plugin Firewall setup.  Create a temporary WordPress Admin login account for this site and send it directly to Ed – edward [at] ait-pro [dot] com.

    Paul D.

    Okay .. This is an iPage webhosting. They don’t allow locking of the 4 files in F Lock. Will send WP admin credentials asap

    AITpro Admin

    Damn I knew it was going to be this problem and almost had you check this. ipage is blocking the site’s Server IP address from being retrieved with the code we are currently using in the Setup Wizard, the Plugin Firewall setup tools manually and the System Info page. This is the second host that we have found that is doing this – the other Host is Strato.

    The 3rd line down is blank since the Server IP address is being blocked from being retrieved.

    The BPS Pro Pro-Tools DNS Finder tool is able to retrieve the Server’s IP address successfully. So I have entered it manually in the Plugin Firewall .htaccess file. We will be adding the BPS Pro Pro-Tools DNS Finder tool code to the Setup Wizard, the System Info page and Plugin Firewall manual tools hopefully by the next BPS Pro version.

    Allow from env=whitelist
    Allow from example.com
    Allow from
    Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx

    After adding the Server’s IP address manually in the Plugin Firewall .htaccess file everything is fine now.

    Allow from env=whitelist
    Allow from example.com
    Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx
    Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx
    Paul D.

    I see. So it’s a webhosting issue after all. Thank you Edward.

    BTW  is there a way to hide this 4 F Lock notification?

    I enabled 4 F Lock earlier in the primary domain and after that, it locked me out of the WP Dashboard with a “You don’t have permission to access  … etc” error so I changed the permission for the 4 F Lock files back to 644 in cpanel to enable me to access WP Dashboard. I tried setting it to “Turn off Checking & Alerts” but it locked me out to, so I had to reset permissions again in cpanel.

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