DSO Server Setup Steps

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro DSO Server Setup Steps

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  • #29892
    Hilary Barrett

    Since you have BPS free installed remove that code from your wp-config.php file and see if you can activate Root Folder BulletProof Mode.

    Well… yes and no. Not sure what to think. Having set secure.htaccess to permissions 666, I have a big green message saying,
    Root Folder BulletProof Mode protection activated successfully.
    but also a bunch of errors from WordPress at the top of the page:

    Warning: fopen(/home/../wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/core/.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/../wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/core/core.php on line 107
    Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/../wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/core/core.php on line 108
    Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in <b>/home/../wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/core/core.php on line 109

    Where does that leave me?

    AITpro Admin

    @ Stefaan – Ok so it looks like you have changed the Script Owner User ID (UID) and File Owner User ID to 550 for all of your folders.  Now you need to change the folder permissions to 777 for all folders below /bps-backup/.  Set the permissions for the /bps-backup/ folder again and in whatever application you are using to set folder permissions.  You need to choose set folder permissions recursively, which means to change folder permissions for all folders from the /bps-backup/ to all child folders.

    AITpro Admin

    @ Hilary Barrett – That still leaves you with having to contact your host support folks.  We do not want to try and guess which type of DSO server configuration you have since there are a lot of possibilities and your host support folks already know the answer to your server configuration issues.  So you will need to contact your host support folks and ask them these questions about your server.


    Hi there,

    Thanks, that took care of the ARQ cron failsafe messages.

    Now I only have this message:

    PHP Error Log Path Does Not Match
    The PHP Error Log Location Set To: folder path does not match the Error Log Path Seen by Server: folder path.
    Click Here to go to the PHP Error Log page and click the Htaccess Protected Secure PHP Error Log Read Me button for troubleshooting steps.

    There’s still no path seen by the server, it’s blank. I created a blank log myself on the correct location to make sure the ownership is correct and tested it. It’s writable (permission 777).

    What can I do about this?


    AITpro Admin

    @ Stefaan – Check the file permissions for the /bps-backup/logs/bps_php_error.log file.  The bps_php_error.log file should be 644 file permissions.  Run the PHP Diagnostic check again and see if this check:  “Error Log Path Seen by Server:” is still not showing a file path/is blank/is not seen by your server.

    Hilary Barrett

    What would I need to ask my web host? Will BPS be working as things stand? Or which parts will & won’t be working?

    AITpro Admin

    @ Hilary Barrett – “Or you can contact your host and ask them why the WordPress API “direct” method does not work on your/their servers.”  What this means that your host server configuration either needs to be changed to another type of server configuration or the current server configuration you are using needs to be modified/configuration changes made/etc.  Due to the 100’s if not 1,000’s of different server configuration possibilities, we cannot try and guess what or how your host has configured your server.  Most likely if you send them this WordPress link regarding the WP Filesystem API Method:  https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Override_of_default_file_permissions then your host will understand exactly what you want or want to change, etc.

    AITpro Admin

    @ Hilary Barrett – DSO server types are a completely different animal than CGI server types.  BPS works on all CGI server types right out of the box without needing any changes.  A lot of Dedicated and VPS host servers are configured with DSO instead of CGI. Typically Shared hosting servers are configured with CGI.


    Hi there, changed permission to 644, but still a blank ‘error log path seen by server’…

    AITpro Admin

    @ Stefaan – Since the php Diagnostic Check is showing that “Error Log Path Seen by Server:” is blank then your server either has php error logging turned Off in your server’s php.ini file or your server is configured to not allowing php error logging in the server’s php.ini file.  If you have access to the server’s default php.ini file or you are allowed to create your own custom php.ini file (or .user.ini file) on this server then these are the php.ini directives that you would use to turn on logging and to set the php error log path.

    Note:  If you find that this directive and setting are: log_errors = Off in your server’s php.ini file then all you would have to do is change that directive setting to:  log_errors = On in your server’s php.ini and then BPS would be allowed to use the php error log path that is being set using ini_set in BPS ini_set Options settings and you would not have to create the other php.ini directive settings in your server’s php.ini file or a custom php.ini file.

    ; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, stderr, or error_log (below))
    ; As stated above, you're strongly advised to use error logging in place of
    ; error displaying on production web sites.
    log_errors = On
    ; Set maximum length of log_errors. In error_log information about the source is
    ; added. The default is 1024 and 0 allows to not apply any maximum length at all.
    log_errors_max_len = 1024
    ; Log errors to specified file.
    error_log = /home/ynubesbe/domains/ynubes.be/public_html/wp-content/bps-backup/logs/bps_php_error.log

    so am i having a write issue with mine, changed server now get this

    AutoFix (AutoWhitelist|AutoSetup|AutoCleanup)
    Yoast SEO Plugin wp-admin skip/bypass rule AutoWhitelist successful
    Events Manager Plugin wp-admin skip/bypass rule AutoWhitelist successful
    WP Super Cache (WPSC) Plugin AutoCleanup Successful:
    W3 Total Cache (W3TC) Plugin AutoCleanup Successful:
    Comet Cache Plugin AutoCleanup Successful:
    WP Fastest Cache (WPFC) Plugin AutoCleanup Successful:
    WP Rocket Plugin AutoCleanup Successful:
    Compatibility & Basic Checks
    Pass! Compatible Server Configuration: Server API: CGI | WP Filesystem API Method: direct.
    Pass! PHP Configuration Memory Limit is set to: 128M
    mod_authz_core is Loaded|Order, Allow, Deny directives are supported|BC: Yes|IfModule: Yes
    Pass! PHP/php.ini handler htaccess code check: Not in use, required or needed for your website/Server
    Error: Your BulletProof Security Root Master htaccess file cannot be created.
    If your Server configuration is DSO you must first make some one-time manual changes to your website before running the Setup Wizard. Please click this Forum Link for instructions: DSO Setup Steps
    Pass! Root .htaccess file backup Successful!
    Error: wp-admin BulletProof Mode cannot be activated.
    If your Server configuration is DSO you must first make some one-time manual changes to your website before running the Setup Wizard. Please click this Forum Link for instructions: DSO Setup Steps
    Pass! wp-admin .htaccess file backup Successful!
    Error: The default.htaccess Master htaccess file cannot be created.
    If your Server configuration is DSO you must first make some one-time manual changes to your website before running the Setup Wizard. Please click this Forum Link for instructions: DSO Setup Steps
    Your current Root .htaccess file is not locked. In order to ensure that the Setup Wizard completes successfully your files will NOT be locked by BPS Pro F-Lock. Your F-Lock settings will be set to "Checking & Alerts Off".
    Pass! The cURL Extension is Loaded/Installed on your website/Server.
    AutoRestore|Quarantine Exclude Rules
    AutoRestore|Quarantine plugins folder Exclude Rule DB Option saved or updated Successfully!
    Error: Unable to write to /bulletproof-security/includes/class.php file to create ARQ Exclude Rules.
    Plugin Firewall cURL Scan, DB Options & Whitelist Rules
    Plugin Firewall cURL Scanner Successfully Scanned: 25 Pages & Posts
    Plugin Firewall bps_pfw_paypal DB Option created or updated Successfully!
    Plugin Firewall bps_pfw_google DB Option created or updated Successfully!
    Plugin Firewall bps_pfw_amazon DB Option created or updated Successfully!
    Plugin Firewall bps_pfw_authorizenet DB Option created or updated Successfully!
    Plugin Firewall bps_pfw_whitelist DB Option created or updated Successfully!
    Plugin Firewall Whitelist Rules Created or Updated Successfully: /si-contact-form/captcha/securimage_show.php, /captcha/js/back_end_script.js, /events-manager/includes/js/events-manager.js, /accesspress-social-share/js/frontend.js, /uk-cookie-consent/assets/js/uk-cookie-consent-js.js, /wp-fullcalendar/includes/js/main.js, /facebook-button-plugin/js/script.js, /si-contact-form/includes/fscf-scripts.js, /contact-form-plugin/js/cntctfrm.js
    Plugin Firewall bps_pfw_allow_from DB Option created or updated Successfully!

    image of file owner https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HTWCr_auAVbWz3CAkerozxtTE2PMpWPd/view?usp=sharing

    AITpro Admin

    @ Paul – I see that several of your website folder permissions are 777.  You do not want to use 777 folder permissions and need to change them to 755.


    Change them all under WP content?

    AITpro Admin

    @ Paul – Yes. The screenshot with the BPS Pro file/folder permissions that you posted on Google Drive shows that you are using 777 folder permissions for many of your website folders.  777 folder permission are not safe to use.  You should be using 755 folder permissions for “all” of your website folders and also any other folders under your hosting account.  You can either use an FTP application like WinSCP or FileZilla to change folder permissions and you want to choose the option (checkbox or similar option setting depending on the FTP app that you use) that says something along the lines “apply these permissions recursively” or you can use your web host File Manager tool or you can contact your web host support folks and ask them to change all of your folder permissions to 755 recursively.


    Ok have changed all under wp content to 0755

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