Error: PHP/php.ini handler htaccess code check

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro Error: PHP/php.ini handler htaccess code check

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  • #28215
    AITpro Admin

    Either you are not doing all the Custom Code steps or the PHP handler htaccess code you are using is incorrect.


    here’s where i’m adding the custom code: then clicking ‘save root custom code button’… followed by:
    1. security modes tab > create secure htaccess button
    2. clicking Activate Root Folder BulletProof Mode button
    this is the right process, correct? if so, i’ll check with bluehost to ensure the handlers are matching up with my php version

    AITpro Admin

    Logical gesses would be most likely that you are not doing all the Custom Code steps correctly or maybe the php handlers are not correct for BlueHost.  If that  is not the case then first check that the handlers are correct and then double check you Custom Code steps.

    Root htaccess File Custom Code Setup Steps
    1. Enter your custom code in the appropriate Root Custom Code text box.
    2. Click the Save Root Custom Code button to save your Root custom code.
    3. Go to the BPS Security Modes page and click the Root Folder BulletProof Mode Activate button.


    I’m following the instructions to a T… and I also confirmed with bluehost support that the handler was in fact correct. i’m getting the green text on all of my htaccess file statuses (see screenshot below) so do you think it’s safe to just forget about this?

    AITpro Admin

    Ok send me an Administer login to this site to: edward at ait-pro dot com so i can figure out what is going on.  Also i am going to need control panel access and FTP access. Thanks.

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