Fast Secure Contact Form CAPTCHA not displayed

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    John H


    My Fast Secure Contact Form is not displaying properly. The image for the CAPTCHA code does not show (http: //

    In my php error log I get to the 403 black hole template. When I looked though this code was already there in the template. I have searched your site and found nothing, although I may have missed something. I did a search and found a wordpress forum (http: // that offered a solution through adding. Can you help please?

    PHP Warning:  session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/troppo/ in /home/troppo/ on line 1997
    php session_start();


    AITpro Admin

    If your site is still in Plugin Firewall Test Mode then turn Test Mode Off.  If this php error only occurred while you were in Test Mode then this is normal and you can ignore this php error.

    Check your BPS Pro Security Log file for any log entries that show the Fast Secure Contact Form plugin path in the REQUEST_URI:  and then manually add that path to the Plugin Firewall Whitelist Text Area, lick the Save Whitelist Options button and click the Plugin Firewall BulletProof Mode Activate button.

    See this help section Checking Your Security Log For Plugin Scripts To Manually Add To The Whitelist in this Forum Topic:

    I checked your site and the plugin script you need to add to your whitelist is this:  /si-contact-form/captcha/securimage_show.php

    John H

    Thank you.

    I have entered the script to the whitelist. Plugins always display fine on my computer and I am unaware of a problem until the security error log indicates a problem. It does not appear to be the role of the Firewall Test Mode to let me see if the problem has been fixed. If I have this correct, is there some way I can view the site ‘remotely’ from my computer to see if all is well?


    AITpro Admin

    When using the Plugin Firewall Test Mode for checking a CAPTCHA that has settings not to display a CAPTCHA to a logged in Admin then Test Mode will not see the CAPTCHA since it is not displayed on your site in this scenario.  You can login and logout of your site from the Plugin Firewall Test Mode page if you are using the Google Chrome Browser.

    I use a VPN security application that allows me to change my IP address and GEO location to anywhere in the World.  You can visit your website with a different IP Address by using a Proxy Server, but what can happen with a Proxy is that your website may not display correctly if some scripts are blocked by that Proxy Server.  You are only checking for plugin scripts that are being blocked so the visual appearance is not that important during a test with a Proxy Server.

    AITpro Admin

    VERY IMPORTANT!  Never log into your website with a Proxy Server.  Your login information WILL be captured by that Proxy Server.

    John H

    Yet again, thank you so much! And thanks for the warning about the login.

    Paul D.

    I use a VPN security application that allows me to change my IP address and GEO location to anywhere in the World.

    What are you using for this ? This would be very handy when I test websites for errors before public deployment.


    AITpro Admin

    I use the VPN security application for 2 things.
    1.  To protect myself when logging into other folks websites just in case they are hacked.
    2.  To test things using another IP address.  ie the Plugin Firewall and various other things.

    Paul D.

    Yeah.. but what I mean is.. what software are you using ? Is it paid or free ?

    AITpro Admin

    Oh it is called HotSpot Shield.  There is a free version available at CNET.  I have the paid version HotSpot Shield Elite – $29.95 per year.


    I am having this same issue in the free version with nothing in the log files.  Any idea on fixing it?

    AITpro Admin

    If you do not see any errors in your Security Log then most likely this issue/problem is not being caused by BPS and is being caused by another plugin or a caching problem, etc. To verify or eliminate that BPS is causing an issue/problem do the Standard troubleshooting steps in the link below.

    Jim Brickman

    I agree try to turn off the test mode it might be very helpful.

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