Pre-installation Wizard and Setup Wizard – Read Me First

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  • #8224
    AITpro Admin

    Pre-installation Wizard & Setup Wizard

    The Pre-installation Wizard & Setup Wizard completely setup all primary BulletProof Security Pro security features.  Optional additional BPS Pro features that are not automatically setup when running the Wizards are listed below.  A link to this forum topic can be found on the Setup Wizard page in the Setup Wizard Read Me help button if you want to view this forum topic at a later time.

    BPS Pro Optional Features:
    These BPS Pro features below are considered optional and are not automatically setup by the Setup Wizard. If you want to use any of these BPS Pro features then click the BPS Pro Menu link for whichever feature you want to use and click the Read Me help button on each of these feature’s pages for setup steps.

    BPS Pro Optional|Additional Features Setup Video Tutorial
    BPS Pro Optional|Additional Features Setup Video Tutorial

    Idle Session Logout (ISL) & Auth Cookie Expiration (ACE):
    ISL:  Automatically Logout Idle/Inactive Users who have been idle/inactive for X continuous minutes.
    ACE:  Change the default WordPress Authentication Cookie Expiration Time and automatically logout Users when their WordPress Authentication Cookie expires.
    Note:  By default ISL and ACE are not displayed in the BPS Pro Dashboard Status Display since ISL and ACE are optional features.  You can display ISL and ACE in the BPS Pro Dashboard Status Display by going to the BPS Pro > Display & Alert Options page and choosing the ISL and ACE Status display options you would like to use.

    MScan Malware Scanner: 
    BPS Pro comes with AutoRestore|Quarantine Intrusion Detection & Prevention System (ARQ IDPS), which is far superior to any/all malware scanners including MScan. ARQ IDPS is 100% accurate vs malware scanners, which are typically 85% accurate at best. Recommended Usage:  Run an MScan scan the first time you install BPS Pro to see if your website contains any hacker code or files. It is not necessary to schedule MScan scans since ARQ IDPS already performs scheduled scans.

    DB Backup:
    A database backup is not automatically done in the BPS Pro Setup Wizard. Recommended Usage: Run a database backup once per month. Note: Your WordPress database contains all of your content (Pages, Posts and all option settings for WP, Plugins and Themes). It is really not necessary to do file backups because files are easily replaced. Your database content is critical and not easily replaced.

    DB Table Prefix Changer (DB Backup Menu):
    Change & check your WordPress Database Table Prefix.

    Folder Lock (File|Folder Lock Menu):
    Monitors your Hosting Account Root folder for new folders that are created & automatically locks them.  Important Notes:  Folder Lock should ONLY be turned On, on 1 of your websites under your Hosting Account. You only want 1 of your websites under a Hosting Account to monitor the Hosting Account Root folder for all of your websites/your entire Hosting Account Root folder.

    WP Automatic Updates (BPS Pro MU Tools Must-Use plugin located on the WordPress Plugins page under the Must-Use link at the top of the Plugins page):
    The BPS Pro MU Tools Must-Use plugin allows you to choose WordPress Automatic Update settings.

    DB Monitor:
    The DB Monitor is setup with default settings by the Setup Wizard.  It is recommended that you use the default DB Monitor settings at this time since the DB Monitor is a very advanced feature that is pending additional coding work to make it simpler to use.

    Force Strong Passwords (Located on the BPS Pro > Login Security page):
    FSP works on standard single WordPress site types, Network|Multisite site types and BuddyPress. WooCommerce already has strong password requirements by default. The FSP option settings do not affect WooCommerce Forms. FSP allows you to set password requirements for strong passwords.

    Additional Notes:
    AutoRestore|Quarantine (ARQ):
    The Setup Wizard scans your website and automatically creates ARQ exclude rules for common folders that should be excluded from being checked by ARQ, such as backup folders and cache folders.  Additional AutoRestore|Quarantine Exclude rules may need to be created at a later time if legitimate files are being quarantined. Please read the BulletProof Security Pro AutoRestore|Quarantine Guide/Calibration Guide link below and specifically the Calibration section for new installations of BulletProof Security Pro.  A video tutorial has also been created that shows how to exclude folder and individual files from being checked by AutoRestore.  See the BulletProof Security Pro AutoRestore|Quarantine Exclude Folders and Files Video Tutorial link below.

    BulletProof Security Pro AutoRestore|Quarantine Exclude Folders and Files Video Tutorial
    AutoRestore|Quarantine Exclude Folders and Files Video Tutorial

    BulletProof Security Pro AutoRestore|Quarantine Guide

    Additional Forum Help Topics & Video Tutorial Links

    BulletProof Security Pro Installation, Activation & Setup Wizard Video Tutorial
    Note: The BPS Pro Purchase Confirmation and Download-Request Key automated email sent when BPS Pro is purchased contains the BulletProof Security Pro Installation, Activation & Setup Wizard Video Tutorial link.

    BulletProof Security Pro Security Log Video Tutorial
    Security Log & Plugin Firewall Video Tutorial

    BulletProof Security Pro Security/HTTP Error Log Read Me First

    BulletProof Security Pro Plugin Firewall Read Me First

    BulletProof Security Pro Video Tutorials
    BulletProof Security Pro Video Tutorials

    BulletProof Security Pro Troubleshooting steps

    Troubleshooting PHP errors in your PHP error log

    BulletProof Security pro Xternal Tools (XTF) Guide

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AITpro Admin.
    alan sills

    [Topic has merged into this relevant Topic]
    When I did the initial install of BPS Pro, I saw a number of additional installs/options to “mess with” in BPS Pro. To date, I’ve done the basic BPS Pro install and changed the F-Lock settings as per your earlier recommendation. Are there any other installs/options in the optional features you recommend I do? If so, where do I go to find those options again? Al

    AITpro Admin

    See the additional BPS Pro options listed above in this forum topic.  Also you can add additional BPS Pro Bonus Custom Code.  To Reset and display the BPS Pro Bonus Custom Code message and links go to the BPS Pro main menu > S-Monitor menu > click the Reset|Recheck Dismiss Notices button.

    Connie S Owens

    What I cannot find an answer to is:  Do I have to uninstall the freebie first?  Or is there an upgrade to pro step I am missing?
    Have put this off since I purchased, would like to get it done.  Tired of trying to search.

    Thank you.

    AITpro Admin

    @ Connie – I have added an additional link above to the BPS Pro installation video tutorial, which shows all the BPS Pro installation and setup steps, including deleting the BPS free plugin first before installing the BPS Pro version.  This particular forum topic is typically looked at after running the Setup Wizard, but yep it’s a good idea to add the BulletProof Security Pro Installation, Activation & Setup Wizard Video Tutorial link here as well.

    BulletProof Security Pro Installation, Activation & Setup Wizard Video Tutorial

    Additional Note: The BPS Pro Purchase Confirmation and Download-Request Key automated email sent when BPS Pro is purchased contains the BulletProof Security Pro Installation, Activation & Setup Wizard Video Tutorial link.

    Connie S Owens

    I have limited Internet.  So watching videos makes is difficult.

    And thank you, will get it done.

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