How does Quarantine work

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro How does Quarantine work

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  • #42924

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the basic question.

    When a file is in quarantaine, it means that the file is no more in my website folder ? Or the file still exist but only an old version of the file ?



    This file is in quarantaine : update-core.php (01/04/2023)

    But I can see this file on my FTP : update-core.php (20/05/2023)

    AITpro Admin

    Quarantine General Concept
    The Quarantine folder is located in an isolated .htaccess protected directory that cannot be accessed by anyone other than you. When a file has been autorestored by the ARQ Cron, a copy of that modified file that was autorestored is sent to Quarantine before it was autorestored. This allows you to restore the modified file that is in quarantine and overwrite the autorestored file. Or in other words restoring a file from Quarantine is an Undo.

    A file has been sent to Quarantine:
    If you received a BPS Pro Quarantine email Alert and have confirmed that a hacker’s file was quarantined then you need to change all of your passwords as quickly as possible. See the help section below: Steps To Take When a Hacker’s File Has Been Quarantined. If you do not know whether or not a file in Quarantine is a hacker file or not then select the Quarantine View File Checkbox Form option for that file and click the Submit button. Copy the contents of the file you are viewing into an email and send it to with “Quarantine Help – is this hacker code?” in the Subject line of the email.


    Thank you

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