W3TC Activation with BulletProof Security

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  • #5669
    Paul D.

    Greetings !

    I have updated BPS Pro to 5.8.2 but prior to that, I disabled W3 Total Cache because it is causing numerous quarantined files in the past when it is not deactivated before upgrading BPS Pro.

    So here’s what I did :

    1. Being a new clone site, BPS Pro is not yet activated and is version 5.8.1.
    2. Activated BPS Pro with new Key.
    3. Deactivated W3 Total Cache plugin
    4. Updated BPS Pro to 5.8.2
    5. Activated bulletproof modes, saved whitelist data and activated bulletproof mode the plugin folder.
    6. Reactivated W3 Total Cache plugin. When I did, it showed me the screenshot below.


    7. I haven’t encountered this before, and my question is in what part of Custom Code should I add the required code for W3 Total Cache ?

    Custom Code Top ?
    Custom Code Plugin Fixes ?
    Custom Code Bottom  ?
    And should I also add it in wp-admin htaccess ?

    8. And am I correct that this would be the line to add in custom code ?

    # Enable W3 Total Cache
    define('WP_CACHE', true); // Added by W3 Total Cache


    AITpro Admin

    That code goes in your wp-config.php file. For W3TC you just need to do this.

    1. Unlock your root .htaccess and your wp-config.php file on the F-Lock page.
    2. Deactivate and activate the W3TC plugin and resave your W3TC settings.

    If you need to exclude W3TC folders or files.
    See the AutoRestore/Quarantine Guide Calibration help section:   http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/autorestore-quarantine-guide-read-me-first/#ARQ-Calibration or the AutoRestore Calibration video tutorial:  http://www.ait-pro.com/aitpro-blog/2841/bulletproof-security-pro/bulletproof-security-pro-overview-video-tutorial/

    Saving W3TC cache code permanently to BPS Custom Code

    Paul D.

    Thanks !

    That’s weird since 4 F-Locked files were already unlocked.. when I activated W3TC …but re-saving the W3TC settings solved it. Will keep an eye on ARQ later.. Hope it won’t quarantine W3TC files like it did last time.


    AITpro Admin

    If a file is sent Quarantine then you just need to copy that file path and create an exclude rule or if the files are dynamic files in a particular folder then you would create an exclude rule for the entire dynamic folder.

    See the AutoRestore/Quarantine Guide Calibration help section:   http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/autorestore-quarantine-guide-read-me-first/#ARQ-Calibration or the AutoRestore Calibration video tutorial:  http://www.ait-pro.com/aitpro-blog/2841/bulletproof-security-pro/bulletproof-security-pro-overview-video-tutorial/

    Paul D.


    Calibration done with W3 Total Cache long time ago. The notification above just popped out in one of our domain servers earlier and we did some customization with pages and files that we don’t have the time to restore everything back to where it was in case the shit hits the fan with ARQ. So we asked what’s needed to do.

    Just to share, W3TC plugin file that needs exclusion path is: /home/domain_name_here/public_html/wp-content/w3tc-config/master.php
    Thank you very much for the support every time we need help from your end.

    Very much appreciated. Great support from BPS Pro.

    AITpro Admin

    Typically ARQ issues with Quarantining files is quick and simple to fix and you would not need to do a website file restore for issues related to ARQ quarantining legitimate files. See the AutoRestore/Quarantine Guide Troubleshooting help section if you have any future issues

    Paul D.

    Easier said than done. Doing arqdelete.php in public_html didn’t solve things for us NOR restoring WP Core files . We did follow steps there.


    AITpro Admin

    In your particular case since you are doing Cloning then I believe there is another factor involved that complicates things.  We have created a best methods/procedures post about how best to Clone sites, but it is difficult to predict every single unique/individual factor that would be involved in each particular scenario/case.

    Paul D.


    We hope we can get the best support from you guys like you always do.

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