Hi BPS Support,
Thank you so much for providing that option. I disabled the folder lock scan on the Setup Wizard Options page by clicking the disable button to turn it on. Ran the Setup Wizard and noted this was still red as before but now to be expected I assume: <span class=”setup-wizard-checks-text”><span style=”color: #fb0101;”>Error: Unable to create DB Table wp_bpspro_folder_lock</span></span>
I clicked the button to reset the last modified time on the PHP Error Log page which now successfully reset the time. The recurring php errors in the log have stopped.
That was some hours ago. I see the below entry in the php error log. Is this cause for concern, and if so what should I do?
[13-Jun-2023 02:46:17 UTC] PHP Warning: fileperms(): stat failed for /home/willshub/index.php in /home/willshub/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/lock/flock.php on line 359
Thank again, it is great to have the error messages gone.