@ Geoff – Great! The Setup Wizard can sometimes misinterpret whether htaccess files can be used or not on a website/server. The Setup Wizard makes that determination based on htaccess code checks that it does from this folder: /bulletproof-security/admin/mod-test/.
Common Causes for this problem: • Extreme Latency or some other server config or website issue/problem. • Web host force installs/upgrades WordPress using a method that does not hook into the WordPress Upgrader filters. • Installing/upgrading WordPress from a web host control panel instead of upgrading WordPress from the WP Dashboard or using WordPress Automatic Updates. • Manually uploading WordPress folders/files via FTP without using the AutoRestore|Quarantine Standard Procedural Steps when manually modifying files > http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/autorestore-quarantine-guide-read-me-first/#procedural-steps