Home › Forums › BulletProof Security Pro › Website not loading after WordPress upgrade or Theme upgrade – 500 error – files quarantined
Tagged: 500 error, AutoRestore, Quarantine
- This topic has 48 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
AITpro Admin.
AITpro Admin
KeymasterIf you migrated your website without turning Off AutoRestore or were upgrading WordPress or your Theme and files were quarantined by AutoRestore|Quarantine (ARQ) due to a procedural error or server processing issue/error and your website has crashed, is no longer loading/viewable or you are unable to login to your website or your are seeing a 500 error, use the steps below to get your website back up and fix the problem. You can check this AutoRestore|Quarantine Log file to confirm that the problem was caused by files being quarantined: /wp-content/bps-backup/logs/autorestore_log.txt. If the problem was caused by files being quarantined then you will see a timestamp for when files were quarantined and which files were quarantined in your ARQ Log file: /wp-content/bps-backup/logs/autorestore_log.txt
Edit|Update: As of BPS Pro 15.2 there are only 2 cases left where files will be quarantined – Manually uploading WordPress or other folders/files via FTP or the web host control panel File Manager tool without using the AutoRestore|Quarantine Standard Procedural Steps when manually modifying files. Or migrating a website without first turning AutoRestore Off. All other common causes for AutoRestore|Quarantine problems will no longer occur as of BPS Pro 15.2
Common Causes for this problem:
• Extreme Latency or some other server config or website issue/problem.
• Web host force installs/upgrades WordPress using a method that does not hook into the WordPress Upgrader filters.
• Installing/upgrading WordPress from a web host control panel instead of upgrading WordPress from the WP Dashboard or using WordPress Automatic Updates.
• Manually uploading WordPress folders/files or other folders/files via FTP or the web host control panel File Manager tool without using the AutoRestore|Quarantine Standard Procedural Steps when manually modifying files > http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/autorestore-quarantine-guide-read-me-first/#procedural-steps
• Migrating a website without first turning AutoRestore Off.
• Doing a remote WordPress Core Bulk Update (clicking the Update All button) in the ManageWP and MainWP remote management plugins without using the AutoRestore|Quarantine Standard Procedural Steps when manually modifying files > http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/autorestore-quarantine-guide-read-me-first/#procedural-steps.Important Note: These steps can only be used to fix the problem if you have BPS Pro 12.8 or higher versions of BPS Pro installed. If you have an older version of BPS Pro installed then use these steps in this link to fix the problem: https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/wordpress-4-7-major-problem-arq-automation-no-longer-works/
Important Note: A new BPS Pro MU Tools option was added in BPS Pro 14 to turn Off AutoRestore on the WordPress Plugins > Must-Use page.
1. Use FTP and rename the /bulletproof-security/ plugin folder to /_bulletproof-security/.
2. Download copies of these folders below that are in the /quarantine/ folder to your computer:
Note: You may not see all of these folders below in the /quarantine/ folder. Download any folders that you do see in the /quarantine/ folder./wp-content/bps-backup/quarantine/root-files/
/wp-content/bps-backup/quarantine/wp-content/3. Upload these folders that you downloaded to your computer: wp-admin, wp-includes and wp-content to your website and overwrite the existing wp-admin, wp-includes and wp-content folders.
4. Open the root-files folder that you downloaded to your computer and upload any files in the root-files folder to your website root folder (same folder where the wp-config.php file is).
5. Login to your website, go to the WordPress Plugins page and click the Must-Use link at the top of the Plugins page. If AutoRestore is turned Off you will see – “AutoRestore is turned Off” in green font under the BPS Pro MU Tools must-use plugin. If AutoRestore is not turned Off then click the “Turn Off AutoRestore” link. If you do not see either “AutoRestore is turned Off” in green font or the “Turn Off AutoRestore” link then you have an older version of BPS Pro installed and will need to delete the /_bulletproof-security/ plugin folder using FTP or your web host control panel file manager and install the most current version of BPS Pro. See this forum topic for how to upgrade BPS Pro > https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/bulletproof-security-pro-bps-pro-upgrade-installation-methods/. Important Note: You will not lose any of your BPS Pro plugin settings when you delete the /_bulletproof-security/ plugin folder since all plugin settings are saved in your WordPress Database.
6. Rename the /_bulletproof-security/ plugin folder back to /bulletproof-security/.
7. Login to your website, go to the BPS Pro Setup Wizard page, click the Pre-Installation wizard button and click the Setup Wizard button.
8. Go to BPS Pro Quarantine and delete all the WordPress or Theme files that were quarantined.Clearing/Deleting excessive database entries in the Quarantine table and old quarantined files.
If you have excessive quarantine database table entries and are unable to delete them using the Quarantine Delete Files option use the steps below.1. Go the BPS Pro > Tools menu/page > DB Table Cleaner|Remover tool tab page.
2. Delete the quarantine database table by clicking the Drop Radio button for this database table: xx_bpspro_arq_quarantine
3. Click the Empty|Drop button to delete the BPS quarantine database table. A new empty BPS quarantine database table will be automatically created.
4. Use FTP or your web host control panel file manager and delete all folders under the BPS Quarantine folder located here: /wp-content/bps-backup/quarantine/Additional Tools to fix various website issues/problems:
BPS Pro Xternal Tools (XTF)
https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/xternal-tools-xtf-guide/BPS Pro Troubleshooting Steps
ParticipantSo, I followed these instructions and I was able to get my admin section working again. However, I just noticed that none of my images display publicly. They show up in the backend WP editor, but, not when I browse my site. Also doesn’t display in my media library.
Any idea what the issue might be?
AITpro Admin
KeymasterI need to take a look at your site and look at your site’s source code. If you are not comfortable posting that publicly then send your site URL to this email address: info at ait-pro dot com.
ParticipantI sent an email. Thanks.
ParticipantThere’s something else I should mention.
My website was working although, I didn’t check the links to the image issues that I sent you via email.
I only had the 500 error for /wp-admin directory, but, I followed all the directions above.
You think that caused the issue? I probably should have just downloaded the /wp-admin and replaced that directory only?
I also clicked the re-install WP in the Dashboard after everything finished.
AITpro Admin
KeymasterProblem solved. Logged out of your site now.
ParticipantHow do I exactly tell from the logs that it could have been this plugin that caused the issue?
I have other sites where the 500 error is only when I try to login into wp by going to the /wp-admin directory.
Otherwise, the site is completely fine.
AITpro Admin
KeymasterIt would probably take me longer to explain what the issue/problem is then just fixing it on your other sites. Send me WP Admin logins to any other sites that are experiencing the same problem: info at ait-pro dot com.
ParticipantThey’ve been fixed, thanks. All except one for whatever reason. But, that one we discussed already.
The issue had to do with the automatic WP upgrade by the host since all my sites were on automatic upgrade. The quarantine files all had the same date as the upgrades.
Not sure why this happened this time around, I know I’ve had your plugin for a while and it’s never happened before, even during a major update to 4.9. Everything happened on Nov. 18 during the upgrade to 4.9.1.
But, I’ve deactivated the host automatic upgrade to be safe.
ParticipantMy site has gone down since the latest WP auto update, lots of quarantined files and after several attempts to back site up from earlier version I just get error 500 and can’t get site back
AITpro Admin
Keymaster@ Paul – Do the steps at the very beginning of this forum topic to fix the problem. If you would like for us to fix this problem then send a WordPress Administrator login to this website and an FTP login to your hosting account to: info at ait-pro dot com.
ParticipantHi guys, I’m having similar issue on a website I support.
Following an update to BPS Pro today, the website opens OK, but I can’t get into the WordPress dashboard.
Would the instructions up top apply to this scenario?
I’m heading on vacation for a week starting tomorrow, so being the website itself is displaying OK, I’ll probably not dig into it until I get back. I can’t risk having it down for my duration, and can’t spend much time on it before my departure.
However, I’m wondering if you can point me in the right direction?
Patrick BAITpro Admin
Keymaster@ Patrick – What are you seeing when trying to login to your WP Dashboard? A blank white page or something else? Are you seeing any error messages?
Use FTP or your web host control panel file manager and navigate to this folder: /wp-content/bps-backup/logs/.
Download these log files: autorestore_log.txt, bps_php_error.log and http_error_log.txt.
Send these log files to: info at ait-pro dot com so I can take a look at them to see what problem occurred.Patrick
ParticipantThanks for the quick reply.
I’m getting a blank page that just says this.
This page isn’t working
morriscarwash.ca is currently unable to handle this request.I’m leaving heading to the airport in an hour so and the actual website is still displaying OK
It’s just nothing in the dashboard is.
So I’ll pursue this in detail when I return so I don’t risk further issues while I’m away.Thanks so much in advance for offering your insight. It means I have a little more peace of mind as I head of on annual vacation
I’ll be in touch again around Feb. 5.
ParticipantHi guys,
I am back from my vacation and starting to dig into this problem.
I’m wondering if there a way I can solicit your help. Unfortunately this has turned into a big issue.
Apparently according to hostgator, BPS has created about 296 GB of files… that need to be deleted.
This has caused hostgator to suspend my account. (Therefore this website and all my other websites are down.)
I’m trying to get hostgator to lift the suspension, temporarily so we can figure it out. Until they do that I can’t even get in via cpanel.
Would it be OK for me to call you at the phone number on your website, to go over this, as I don’t know what files I can safely delete etc.? Should be within an hour or two.
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