How To Troubleshoot PHP Errors, php errors in your php error log

Home Forums BulletProof Security Pro How To Troubleshoot PHP Errors, php errors in your php error log

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    I am getting a barrage of php errors like this one, the same error in many different places  How do I make them go away?

    [04-May-2014 04:40:39] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: date in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 3061
    AITpro Admin

    Reinstall BPS Pro using the BPS Pro built-in upload zip installer located under the BPS Pro Install / Backup menu (this menu name has been changed to Upload Zip Install in BPS Pro 9.0 – pending completion).   Additionally, if you do not have the most current available version of BPS Pro – 8.3 then download the zip file from the Secure Download Area.


    [Topic has been merged into this relevant Topic]

    Hi Guys,
    I am running a network/ multisite configuration. I have the following error repeated many times :

    • Why would this table be missing ?
    • Is there a CREATE TABLE script I could run to create the missing table ?
    [29-May-2014 23:46:15] WordPress database error Table 'mywebsite_site1.wp_7_rg_lead' doesn't exist for query SELECT l.form_id, count( as unread_count
    FROM wp_7_rg_lead l
    WHERE is_read=0 AND status='active'
    GROUP BY form_id made by wp_dashboard, do_meta_boxes, call_user_func, GFForms::dashboard, GFFormsModel::get_form_summary


    AITpro Admin

    The php error has to do with the Gravity Forms plugin.  Contact the Gravity Forms plugin author to find out why this php error is occurring.  See the beginning of this Forum Topic for general troubleshooting information and steps for php errors.


    After updating WP 4.0 I’ve found this PHP Error Log

    [04-Sep-2014 21:57:20 UTC] PHP Warning:  printf(): Argument number must be greater than zero in /homepages/XX/dxxxxxxxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-admin/about.php on line 142

    This is the line

    printf( __( 'Developers have more flexibility creating %1$s clauses through %2$s.' ), 'ORDER BY', 'WP_Query' );

    I don’t know what I have to do.

    'ORDER1; perhaps?
    printf( __( 'Developers have more flexibility creating %1$s clauses through %2$s.' ), 'ORDER BY', 'WP_Query' );
    AITpro Admin

    I believe this is a known bug in your PHP server version.  In any case I do not think this php error is a big deal.  If it only happened once then it is definitely not a big deal and you can ignore it.  If it is continuing to happen repeatedly then it should be fixed.  See the very first page of this Forum Topic for what does and what does not matter regarding php errors.


    OK, thank you. The only problem is that now, after the update, I can not see the pictures in the media library.

    AITpro Admin

    I just checked the Media Library and I am seeing the same problem.  Give me a minute to find out why that is.
    I created a new topic here for the Media Library problem: if you want to follow my troubleshooting on this and when I find the source of the problem.

    AITpro Admin

    [Question copied from the BPS free plugin support forum on]

    Just want to say that I am extremely thankful for your Pro plugin.

    Now, I am having some issues with the PHP error log firing-up and the uploads folder notification. I keep getting that error and I don’t know if I should whitelist that in PF since one directory is outside the plug-in page and one directory is in the themes area.

    First one is the PHP error log:

    [24-Sep-2014 05:17:49 UTC] PHP Warning: include(./subd/includes/r0ckinclude.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/pbnt/public_html/subd/wp-content/themes/a0ck/footer.php on line 22
    AITpro Admin

    @ THE11thROCK – Please take a look at the beginning of this forum topic to get a general understanding of what the BPS Pro PHP error is and how to troubleshoot php errors in your php error log.

    This particular php error is fairly clear.  Open and check these 2 files:  /home/pbnt/public_html/subd/wp-content/themes/a0ck/footer.php line 22 and /subd/includes/r0ckinclude.php and check that the file paths and “include” are correct.


    Yup, it’s a directory issue with the code. Fixed it. Thanks a lot!

    AITpro Admin

    Great job!  The php error log is your friend and not your enemy.  😉

    Kouichi Sugawara

    Hi AITpro

    I have PHP Error Log after BPS PRO actvate at first.
    Error – A PHP Error has been logged in your PHP Error Log
    Log says wp_blc_links doesn’t exist for query SELECT links.
    Sure, table ‘wp_blc_links’ is not shown on database by phpMyAdmin.
    Then I try to clear Logs 10 times or more, but it seems to make  new log again as endless.
    How can I delete these Log ?

    AITpro Admin

    The php error log logs php errors that are occurring on your website.  BPS is not creating these php errors.  They were already occurring on your website and now they are being logged by the php error log. The wp_blc_links database table is for the Broken Link Checker plugin.  Go to the Broken Link Checker plugin forum and post the php error so the Broken Link Checker plugin author can tell you what the php error means for that plugin and how to fix it.

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