W3TC – W3 Total Cache Load times extremely slow

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  • #8046

    I was using the free version since it was doing a great job updated to pro last night. The installation went smooth. But admin section and front end slowed down to a stand still.


    BPS free installed few months ago
    W3TC Installed yesterday > worked perfectly fine
    Removed BPS free
    Installed BPS Pro
    Initially got the W3TC Activated – redeploy message
    Followed instructions message went away.
    Woocommerce checkout complete page error. BPS redirects to 403 page
    Used the fix

    # Shopp e-Commerce shopping cart skip rule
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/ [NC]
    RewriteRule . - [S=13]

    Still the site was not performing as it used to.

    Tested the site this morning for page load times. So slow it hangs.
    Deactivated BPS Pro
    Deactivated w3TC
    Reactivated w3tc works as usual.

    I really would like to have BPS pro running but not at the risk of extremely slow page loads.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    AITpro Admin

    UPDATE: BPS Pro 13+ and BPS 2.0+ versions have a feature called: Setup Wizard AutoFix (AutoWhitelist|AutoSetup|AutoCleanup) that automatically creates plugin and theme whitelist rules and automatically sets up and cleans up caching plugins htaccess code.

    Are you following these steps below for W3TC activation/setup with BPS Pro?  Are you using Minify in W3TC?  I believe minify besides being completely unsafe to use in the first place will conflict with the Plugin Firewall since minifying scrambles the original code and negates the built-in safeguards/security checks in the original code.  Also check your root .htaccess file on the htaccess File Editor page “Your Current Root htaccess File” tab and make sure that the W3TC .htaccess code is at the top of your root .htaccess file and has not been mistakenly added to the bottom of the root .htaccess file by W3TC.  We have used W3TC in the past and WPSC in the past, but had problems (the problems were not related to BPS Pro conflicts with these caching plugins and were problems with these caching plugins themselves on our websites with the advanced configurations that we specifically use on our sites) with both of these caching plugins and are now using our own caching code:  http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/where-is-the-log/page/2/#post-7436

    Reference Source:  http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/w3tc-activation/#post-5673

    1. Unlock your root .htaccess and your wp-config.php file on the F-Lock page.
    2. Deactivate and activate the W3TC plugin and resave your W3TC settings.

    If you need to exclude W3TC folders or files. See the AutoRestore/Quarantine Guide Calibration help section:  http://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/autorestore-quarantine-guide-read-me-first/#ARQ-Calibration or the AutoRestore Calibration video tutorial:  http://www.ait-pro.com/aitpro-blog/2841/bulletproof-security-pro/bulletproof-security-pro-overview-video-tutorial/


    Another method you can try would be to copy and paste the W3TC caching code from your root .htaccess file into this BPS Pro Custom Code text box:   If you are using a php/php.ini handler in your root .htaccess file then you would also copy and paste your php/php.ini handler into this Custom Code text box directly above the W3TC .htaccess caching code.  After copying and pasting your W3TC caching code into this Custom Code text box, click the Save Root Custom Code button, go to the BPS Security Modes page and click the Root Folder BulletProof Mode Activate button.

    Reference link for General Troubleshooting to isolate the exact security feature in BPS Pro that is causing an issue/problem/conflict:

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