1 more localization – Russian

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    Hello. I have created high-quality russian localization for your nice plugin.Now 67% was finished, but i have translated all basic string from all tabs.And already now people can use it. And i would to you have used it in next plugin update. Because it will be very usefull for people from my country. Now untranslated some read me and error messages. I will finish it soon, but not now.But already now localization is ready for use. Few people even noticed untranslated yet variables)And when i will have more time – i finish it.And i repeat – it is very good quality translation, because i have big translation expirience.
    here you can download my localization

    AITpro Admin

    Great!  Once you are finished with translation then send the .po and .mo files to – info at ait-pro dot com – and include the URL that you would like added on the WordPress BulletProof Security Description page here under Translations >>> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bulletproof-security/

    Thank you.


    Ok. I understood.If someone need it -Status info:Finished: 79%, link is same


    Some news: I have finished it. 100% done But… I have 2 errors. I can’t save translation of 2 strings. I see PoEdit error…. Error: ‘msgstr’ is not a valid PHP format string, unlike ‘msgid’. Reason: The character that terminates the directive number 1 is not a valid conversion specifier I have left the translation of these two lines as a comment in the file. p.s.  link is same. I have updated it now. p.s. i have sent files to your email not from mine e-mail.
    But i use it like my property, because i have created it and this e-mail does not need to, for whom created.


    Hello again) Three years later, I’m back. And once again took up the old)

    I have created high-quality russian localization for your nice plugin again) Work is not finished yet.

    But I imported that finished at the moment – https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/ru/default/wp-plugins/bulletproof-security – here 810 lines by me. I will finish it soon. But i can’t see some lines in file from wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/languages/bulletproof-security.pot from my site with last plugin version.

    I see more lines here on https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bulletproof-security/stable/ru/default

    Can you give me full untranslated file english file? Like bulletproof-security.pot but with all lines.

    I don’t understand why bulletproof-security.pot from last plugin version contains fewer lines for the translation than the stable version of the text on the site.

    I do a translation by editing bulletproof-security-ru_RU.po through PoEdit program – it is much more convenient (because i test it in real time on my site). (My bulletproof-security-ru_RU.po is renamed and translated bulletproof-security.pot)

    But i need bulletproof-security.pot with all text lines (to update my lang file from source with all lines). I can’t see many buttons here.

    P.S. i see my old translation from 2013 is outdated. I also forget to update my wordpress from 3.5 to 4.7.
    I updated my site 4 days ago. At the same time BSP was updated, and I saw how much it has changed in that time.After that, I began to translate again.

    AITpro Admin

    First, thank you for your efforts in translating the BPS plugin help text.  That is not an easy or quick thing to do since we include a lot of help information directly in the BPS plugin in the Read Me help buttons as a convenience for users so they do not have to click a link to our website to get help information/text.  The most current BPS .pot file is here in BPS .54.2:  /bulletproof-security/languages/bulletproof-security.pot


    I have updated my po file from BPS .54.2: /bulletproof-security/languages/bulletproof-security.pot

    But i can’t find 41 lines from https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bulletproof-security/stable/ru/default on this file. It is some buttons and another text.

    example – Activate button
    Backup htaccess Files button
    update file button, etc

    AITpro Admin

    I reran Poedit on BPS .54.2 and there were no new changes found.  So the BPS .54.2 .pot file is up to date.  I see current new help text on the WordPress Translation listing page.  So the only thing I can think of that is happening is that either the WordPress Translation listing page has older help text that was removed in an older BPS version or a Poedit error is occurring.  Whatever is in the bulletproof-security.pot file is accurate and up to date.  So whatever differences you are seeing on the WordPress Translation listing page is not valid/old/no longer exists.


    outdated lines in stable release? It is strange. How can button’s names can be outdated if i see these buttons right now in BPS and can’t find in *.pot file?

    Can you go to https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bulletproof-security/stable/ru/default?page=1
    open filter and select Status: Current/waiting/fuzzy + untranslated (All) after that at the bottom select Only matching the filter and press Export – you will download current stable release – rename these *.po to *.pot

    Open Poedit and Update Catalog from *.pot file – you will see more than 40 new lines – these text you can see right now in BPS .54.2, it can’t be outdated.

    I’ve highlighted by red color buttons that can not be translated because of the lack of lines in the pot-file.
    And i see these here – https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bulletproof-security/stable/ru/default – Stable (latest release)

    I also downloaded dev-version from here
    and find all this missing Lines. it means that they are outdated.
    It means – real bulletproof-security.pot from wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/languages it outdated)

    AITpro Admin

    Ok I think I see the problem now.  I think it has to do with this WP function and Poedit not seeing the text:  esc_attr_e('Activate', 'bulletproof-security'). Maybe I need to add this in Poedit preferences in order for Poedit to see this text. I will test that now.

    AITpro Admin

    Yep, that was the problem.  I needed to add that WordPress function to Poedit > Catalogue > Properties.  Once I added the new WordPress function the text for the buttons was seen by Poedit. I just emailed you the new updated bulletproof-security.pot file to your Yahoo email address for your forum user account. You will probably also need to add the additional WordPress function in your Poedit > Catalogue > Properties settings.


    Can you add more free space after Help button (Custom code page) on next BPS version?
    This page style does not allow sufficiently long words in the translation.
    The letters superimposed on Help button if translated word is too long.
    And next text – “Reset|Recheck Dismiss Notices: ” also superimposed.

    This second phrase “Reset|Recheck Dismiss Notices” never shifts to the right if the left of it is too long a word.

    Similar problem i see on htaccess Editor page –
    with Turn Off AutoLockbutton and nearest status indicator.
    I had to cut the inscription on the button so that it does not impose on the indicator. And my inscription does not fit to the indicator. Сan you make it a little wider?


    AITpro Admin

    Ok.  Will change the CSS code to work for this.  For button widths the length of the button should not be increased because that would cause a problem for mobile viewport sizes.  So the height and image background should be changed/fixed instead.

    AITpro Admin

    The HTML and CSS changes have been completed.  I believe we will be releasing a new BPS plugin version with these new changes in about 1 week from now.  I found another WordPress translation function that needed to be added to Poedit Catalogue properties:  esc_attr__.  This catalogues 10 more new text strings in BPS.  I just emailed you the new updated bulletproof-security.pot file to your Yahoo email address for your forum user account.


    Ok. My *.po file now contains 1927 rows (information from Poedit status bar).

    And Catalogue

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